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French and Indian War Also known as:

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1 French and Indian War 1754-1763 Also known as:
“King George’s 2nd War” “The Late French War” “The War for Empire” Colonists begin to question the ability of the British army during the war following early defeats The war put the British so far in debt that they needed to raise colonial taxes Teaches the colonists that the British Government makes mistakes

2 Colonial Rebellion against British Policies and Taxes (1763-1775)
“Rights as Englishmen” No Taxation without Representation No standing army in towns or cities Sons of Liberty Informal organization formed to oppose taxes Numerous violent protests/riots Stamp Act Riot Boston Massacre Boston Tea Party Terrorist Cells? Decentralized authority Illegal stockpile of weapons Use of propaganda for recruiting

3 Key Elements of the Declaration
a definition of peoples' natural rights a description of the purpose of government a list of grievances against the King of England “. . . deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. . .“

4 American Revolution (1776-1783)
Revolutionary Ideas Anti-monarchy Equality of Men/Natural Rights Government rules by consent of the people Patriots or Whigs? Broad support from all social and economic classes John Hancock: Sons of Liberty leader; Continental Congress Thomas Jefferson: Virginia Delegate to the Continental Congress Peter Salem: Slave Abigail Adams: middle class wife to Lawyer John Adams 5,000 slaves fought for the Patriot cause and received their freedom Approx. 20,000 slaves fought for the British army, also for their freedom

5 La Destruction de la Statue Royale
Based on a German Etching Published in Newspapers all across Europe Considered dangerous in countries with absolute monarchies Depicts the destruction of the King George III Statue in New York City

6 American Revolution Continued
Loyalists or Tories? Wide range of social and economic class-poor backwoods farmers to Royal Governors 300,000 fled to England Money and property taken by state governments How did the Colonies win? French military aid European volunteers / mercenaries Many members of Parliament want an end to the costly war Birth of a new Nation? 13 States act as independent countries Directed by the Continental Congress Create the Articles of Confederation States are more powerful than Congress William Franklin Royal Governor of New Jersey

7 The Critical Period (1783-1789)
Democracy or Republic? “Symbol of Liberty” Who did not have this liberty? Who did benefit from the Revolution? War causes severe economic crisis Shays’ Rebellion—poor farmers have their land repossessed United States Congress has no power to tax Weak central government is ineffective Convention is called for in Philadelphia to revise and improve the Articles of Confederation Federalists vs. Anti-Federalists

8 The Critical Period Continued
The Articles are quickly thrown out The New Constitution—Issues of Power Balance of power between big states and small states State Government vs. National Government Slave States (current and future) vs. Non-Slave States Strong Executive vs. Strong Legislative New Definition of Federalism Now Federalism refers to a sharing of power between the States and the Central Government National Government has ultimate authority in most things, the states do retain control over certain areas, such as public education.

9 How Revolutionary Was the American Revolution?
Questions to Consider: What actually changed? Status of Women? Status of Slaves Status of Non-Whites Economic opportunities for the poor Restructuring of the Colonial Government to a State Government Changing from a Central British Government to a Central “Federal” Government How extreme are the changes?

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