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Challenges to the New Government

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1 Challenges to the New Government
Takes notes from the slides Copy the text in red.

2 Whiskey Rebellion To help pay off the war debt, Washington and Congress started to tax whiskey The farmers who grew the grain to make the whiskey were angry because the tax specifically targeted them and not the wealthy businessmen of the East.

3 Why whiskey? Farmers had a hard time getting their grain to market, so they turned their grain into whiskey, which was easier to transport. They got more money for the whiskey anyway. Farmers traded the whiskey for salt, sugar, and other goods. Farmers used whiskey as money to get whatever supplies they needed. Farmers did not have the money to pay for the tax now being charged by the federal government

4 The Rebellion In the summer of 1794, a group of farmers in Western Pennsylvania rebelled against the whiskey tax and staged the Whiskey Rebellion. One group beat up a tax collector and coated him with tar and feathers. Others burned down the home of a local tax collector.

5 Why do you think tax collectors were tarred and feathered?

6 The Government Responds
Alexander Hamilton wanted the government to look strong. He encouraged President Washington to stop the revolt. Federal troops marched to Western Pennsylvania and put down the revolt. Washington had proved that the government would deal with people not obeying the law.

7 Why do you think Washington chose to lead the troops himself?

8 Washington’s Farewell Address
Before he retired, Washington gave a farewell address (speech). In it he Warned against political parties - he thought they caused arguments Urged the nation to remain neutral and not become involved in foreign alliances. Warned against a powerful military. Urged Americans to maintain and value a sense of national unity.

9 Political Parties Despite Washington’s warnings, political parties developed. The first two political parties were the Federalists and Democratic-Republicans. The Federalists wanted a strong national government. The Democratic-Republicans thought a strong national government would lead to tyranny.

10 Hamilton versus Jefferson
Alexander Hamilton led the Federalists. Thomas Jefferson led the Democratic-Republicans. Northern merchants and manufacturers became Federalists. Southern farmers and workers became Democratic-Republicans


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