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Introduction to Mental Mapping

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1 Introduction to Mental Mapping
“Mapping” your story is a tool…. to let go of your English provide a spatial reference use prosody to highlight key points and transition between segments of your story.

2 Mental Mapping: Your Story
Use your map to help you: spatially lay out the story - “chunk” the story - show relationships between “chunks” or “topics”

3 Mental Mapping: Going Visual/Spatial
“Mapping” the story leave lots of space! 1. Identify your main theme 2. Identify the main categories 3. Identify the details for each category

4 evening Steve Home Afternoon Morning Work My Daily Grind
Workout. Dinner. TV/Movies. 11 pm Live on house boat at Lake Union with partner evening Home Steve My Daily Grind Afternoon Morning 11 am – 1 pm classes. Afternoon – appointments, meetings, grading papers. Alarm 5:30 am. Eat breakfast Shower & put clothes on. Drove to SCCC by 7 am Work Teach ASL 8 am class Teach ASL 9 am class

5 Mental Mapping: Your Story
Activity: “Mapping” Your Story….. Fill in your “mind map” using drawings, pictures, or one- or two-word phrases. 3-minutes maximum – “Your Daily Grind (Routines)”. Similar story to Steve’s.

6 Mental Mapping: Your Story
Show your work…. Sign your story to study partner Ask for help and ideas!! Be A Teammate – be involved, suggest, confirm, ask for clarification, correct signs, etc.

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