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Reformation and Scientific Revolution

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1 Reformation and Scientific Revolution

2 Church Reformation Continues
Ulrich Zwingli I enjoyed reading the 95 Thesis of Luther I brought the Reformation (changing/leaving the Catholic faith) to Zurich, Switzerland I wanted Christians to study the bible on their own, deepen their faith and understanding through their own understanding.

3 Reformation continues to spread… but meets some opposition
John Calvin I was originally educated in the law I too found truth in Luther’s teachings, and so taught the ideas of the Reformation in France. I had to flee from France, and I found protection in Geneva, Switzerland and my followers there are called “Calvinists”. My Church and teachings had one little twist; that God had already chosen who would be given entry into heaven – those people who could maintain proper conduct were probably part of the chosen group.

4 John Calvin Continued Because I was so appalled by the Catholic church and its luxuries, my religious houses were very plain: no pictures, no organ, no laughing or making noise in the church. Outside of church, my followers were not allowed to participate in fortunetelling, gambling, or dancing. Despite all these harsh rules (which councils were elected to enforce) by the time I died in 1564, there were members following the faith across Europe.

5 Other Churches and Faiths Kept Springing Up!
Religion Time Founded Founder Source of Authority Roman Catholic 1st Century Simon, Peter Pope, Cardinal, Bishops Lutheran 1529 Martin Luther Congregation Church of England 1534 Henry VIII King of England Calvinist 1546 John Calvin Presbytery (Council of Elders) Anabaptists 1525 No one founder Council of the Community

6 Response of the Catholic Church
Pope Paul III I had to assemble a council to address our dwindling numbers of supporters. I called the Council of Trent which lasted 18 years (1545 to 1563) to come up with changes. We settled on two main goals: Rid the church of abuses Uphold traditional Catholic beliefs This movement became the Counter Reformation

7 Herding in the Flock New orders were founded to help rid the church of abuses. The Jesuits were an order who took vows of poverty and obedience to the Pope. These Jesuits were known for educational and missionary work They brought the word of God to several of the newly discovered continents and peoples.

8 Burning out the Heretics
Inquisitions Church court to judge and convict heretics. Court often abused their powers Protestants were tortured into confession and turning in others. Death was the sentence to those who didn’t recant. Several written works were also prohibited and burned when found. Those in possession were given the same fate as their books.

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