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Why is algebra important in life?

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Presentation on theme: "Why is algebra important in life?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why is algebra important in life?
By Louie Conde

2 Why do we need algebra?

3 We need algebra because we use it for everyday life.
For an example we use graphs for business and stuff similar to business because businesses use graphs to see what want up for example if a new game system come out the business that owns the game will use a graph to see if the game sold a lot or if the game didn’t sell so can keep track of their sells. Now another we need algebra is because we exponents for finical aid and other stuff. We use exponents for finical aid so we can keep track of people’s money and how much they owe to the government. Also exponents are used to keep track of the population in world so we know how many people are living on the plant and also for the government to keep track of their people for personal reasons.

4 Who uses Algebra?

5 Now that I explained why we need algebra it’s time to explain who uses algebra in their lives.
Vets, doctors, and nurses use algebra when they have to give people a shot or medicine because they have to give people or animals a certain amount of the medicine in the shot so they don’t kill them so they use an item to measure the amount for person or animal then they give them the shot. Engineers and construction workers also use algebra because they must found out how they should build the device, building or bridge etc. So the way engineers and construction workers use algebra is that they must find out the length, width, height and also must find out how big will it be and might have to use inches or feet for the item they are creating.

6 What is the connection between algebra and real life experiences?

7 We need algebra for everyday like to keep track of time or dates or even when we walk to certain place or spot we want to go to. We even use it in sports like to score or how far something want from this spot to that spot. Even nature itself uses algebra from the tune of a bird singing to the number of sticks a bird uses to build a nest or the number of string used to make a web from a spider.

8 How beneficial is algebra to your own future?

9 In the future I need algebra to become a vet because I need to know a certain amount of how much medicine to give a animal so I don’t over dose them with that medicine . I also need algebra to know what to charge people when they come to visit me with there pets so I can bill them correctly. Another reason I need algebra is that when I give a animal surgery I need to calculate where I need to preform it or where I need to cut off a skin cancer growth so I don’t harm the animal or worse.

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11 The end. Any questions?

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