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The head starter (or designee) shall inspect all starting blocks used in running events

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2 The head starter (or designee) shall inspect all starting blocks used in running events

3 Each Team Member shall wear the same color and design of school uniform although the length of the bottom or one-piece uniform may vary

4 Removing any part of the team uniform, excluding shoes, while in the area of competition, as defined by the games committee, is illegal

5 Competitor receiving assistance from another competitor to complete the race. Both competitors shall be disqualified unless a competitor is injured or becomes ill and an appropriate health-care professional is not available, only the injured/ill competitor is disqualified.

6 Once a competition has begun, except as scheduled, competitors are not allowed to use for practice purposes the runway, ring, takeoff area or throwing implements associated with the competition.

7 The competitor may attempt to clear the bar in any manner, provided the takeoff is from one foot and provided no weights or artificial aids are used. All of the competitors body must go over the bar.

8 In a race run in lanes, each competitor shall run in the lane drawn, unless the clerk of the course moves the competitor to avoid use of a lane which, because of unusual conditions, would unfairly handicap a competitor.

9 Altering the pole in any fashion renders it illegal

10 With the commands “on your marks” all competitors will step to the starting line without delay. When all competitors are steady and motionless without their hand(s) touching the ground, the starter shall fire the starting device.

11 A Competitor who has passed three consecutive heights and has not attempted a jump, should be permitted one warm-up jump without the cross bar or bungee in place but shall attempt a jump at that height. Such a warm-up must be taken at a height change.

12 Measurements shall be recorded to the nearest lesser ¼ inch or centimeter.

13 Electronic devices may be used in unrestricted areas and coaching boxes, providing the location does not interfere with progress of the meet as determined by the meet referee.

14 The judges shall place the crossbar at the starting height as determined by the games committee.

15 The head timer shall have general jurisdiction over the assistant timers.

16 The starter shall receive a whistle or white-flag signal from the head finish judge that the judges and timers are ready.

17 The starter charging a competitor with a false start is disqualifying the competitor from the event.

18 If one or more visible garment is worn under the uniform top, all must be the same color. If more than one visible garment, which extends below the knee, is worn under uniform bottom, all must be the same color.

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