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“Organ Systems” & Functions

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1 “Organ Systems” & Functions

2 Organ Systems Are composed of two or more different organs that work together to provide a common function Examples: Digestive, nervous, circulatory, respiratory

3 System Several organs and tissues work together to carry out a particular set of functions in a co-ordinated way Human : digestive, respiratory, excretory, circulatory and reproductive systems Plant : root and shoot systems

4 Human Body Systems Examples of systems : Digestive System
Respiratory System Circulatory System Nervous System Reproductive System Excretory System

5 Before we begin…. On page 196 ISN, make three columns:
Head the (first column): “Body Systems” (second column): “Functions” (third column): “Organs”

6 Digestive System Job: Breakdown and absorb nutrients that are necessary for growth and maintenance Major Organs: Mouth, esophagus, stomach, small and large intestines.

7 Nervous Job: directs behavior and movement and, along with the endocrine system, controls processes such as digestion, circulation, etc. Major Organs: Brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerves

8 Circulatory Job: transport nutrients, blood, gases (such as oxygen and CO2), hormones and wastes through the body Major Organs: Heart, blood vessels and blood

9 Respiratory Job: provide gas exchange between the blood and the environment Major Organs: Nose, trachea and lungs

10 Excretory Job: rids the body of wastes, including excess water and salts Major Organs: Kidneys, bladder, rectum

11 Levels of Organization
CELLS (muscle cells,nerve cells) TISSUES (muscle, epithelium) ORGANS (heart, lungs, stomach) SYSTEMS (circulatory system) ORGANISM (human)

12 Body Systems: The following questions
Were taken from your TCAP practice booklet. Let’s see how well you have done: 10, 39, and 59

13 The diaphragm is a muscle
Respiratory---lungs themselves Muscle---diaphragm is a muscle Answer: “F” The diaphragm is a muscle

14 Answer: “A” Skeletal—for support, bones move, skeleton gives you a frame Circulatory—circulates your blood and oxygen Excretory—gets rid of waste Reproductive—makes new life

15 Answer: “B” A—nervous system
B-circulatory system circulates oxygen, blood, nutrients C—immune system D—skeletal system

16 Science, Inquiry, and Technology (it’s all about using logic!!)

17 Answer: “A” Dependent variable---length of fish
B—number of fish per bowl is “independent” variable C—amount of food is a CONSTANT D—condition of water is a CONSTANT also Answer: “A”

18 Answer: D

19 Answer: H

20 Answer: F

21 Answer: F

22 Answer: “G” CFC’s are aerosol cans and hair sprays that harm the ozone layer Destroying the ozone layer will only cause more UV rays to get into the Earth. UV rays cause skin cancer and damage your cells

23 Answer: “F” Steps should be in this order:
1st—conduct research on features for the new drill 2nd—design a computer model of the new drill 3nd--determine the materials needed to build the new drill 4th—build a prototype of the new drill

24 Answer: “B” What’s wrong with:
A—the purpose was to “change” color to warn someone of the danger…so it fails it’s purpose C—changing “different” colors of light will not help warn or save lives if it does not turn “RED” D---waiting too long to change colors will not save lives…it may be too late once the damage is done

25 Answer: “C” What’s wrong:
A and D--- both show pie charts which does not reflect the “NUMBER” of books read; also the pie break down is not accurate B—line graphs are not used to “compare” how many books are read by each student; line graphs are used to show a relationship between different variables…

26 Answer: “H” F—is not a benefit; this is a harmful effect; recycling is to benefit or help us G—again is not a benefit but is harmful; also this does not protect the ocean from oil spills that will pollute the water J---plastic recycling has nothing to do with the atmosphere H IS CORRECT BECAUSE RECYCLE PLASTICS WILL DECREASE THE AMOUNT OF PLASTIC IN LANDFILLS; LESS WASTE TO RECYCLE

A—is the opposite of what the chart is saying B—higher temperatures require more sugar!! C grams of sugar “causes the water to boi”l at 102.5….

28 Answer: “H” Looking for a bad (negative) consequence or result:
F—is as positive result or benefit because we save fossil fuels that can be used for later if needed G—is a positive because of more jobs for economy J—is a positive because it protects our environment from harmful gases

29 Adaptive and Assistive Bioengineering

30 What is Engineering? Engineering is the process of creating technology. Name some examples of technology that engineers, scientists, and inventors have created.

31 What is Bioengineering?
Bioengineering is the application of engineering (technology) to living things, such as humans and plants. Bioengineers look at problems that occur in living things and invent technology that will help with these problems.

32 Assistive Bioengineering
Technology that is developed to help organisms, but DOES NOT change them. ASSIST = HELP Examples: Eyeglasses Wheelchairs Antibiotics

33 Adaptive Bioengineering
Technology developed to help living organisms and DOES change them. ADAPT = CHANGE Examples: Lasik Eye Surgery Knee replacement New strains of crop in agriculture

34 Adaptive or Assistive???? Let’s get some practice. Tell whether the following items are either Adaptive and Assistive: Remember: Assist = Help Adapt = Change

35 Hearing Aid Assistive Assist

36 Hip Replacement Adaptive

37 Crutches Assistive

38 Genetically altered corn that resists pests

39 Knee Brace Assistive

40 Arm Cast Assistive

41 Crop Pesticide Adaptive

42 Contact Lenses Assistive

43 Artificial Limbs Adaptive

44 Cochlear (ear) Implants

45 Glasses Assistive

46 BIOENGINEERING: The following question
was taken from your TCAP practice booklet. Let’s see how well you have done: Question # 65

47 Remember: ASSISTIVE bioengineering is to “help assist” not change us…Changing would be “ADAPTIVE” ENGINEERING: A—does not assist or change the product C---is an “adaptive” engineering because it changes the plant chemical make up D---creates a new product from algae….this is technology (remember technology is taking what you learn from science and making something new and beneficial out of it) Answer: “B”

48 Previous TCAP Practice questions….
ADAPTIVE BIOENGINEERING CHANGES THE ORGANISM TO MAKE SOMETHING BETTER….. Throw out answer “D:”….that is an ASSISTIVE bioengineered product…and it DOES NOT CHANGE THE HUMAN’S EYES..JUST ASSIST THEM Throw out answer “B”…making mules by crossing horses and donkeys DOES NOT CHANGE EITHER ONE OF THEM Throw out answer “C” ….lady bugs are just being raised to eat garden pest…it DOES NOT CHANGE THEM!! Answer is “A”….it DOES change the sugar cane to make it into fuel to help people Answer: “A”

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