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Stone Bank School Budget hearing 2017-2018.

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Presentation on theme: "Stone Bank School Budget hearing 2017-2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stone Bank School Budget hearing

2 Budget Process June/July Finance Committee Reviews Department Budgets August 21, Preliminary budget approved September Ongoing analysis of budget and 3rd Friday Count October 23, 2017 Final budget approved

3 17/18 Key Initiatives Focus funds towards curriculum goals
Reading curriculum FOSS Science materials Build fund balance Fund 10 Fund 46 Immediate improvement of food program Long-term landscaping plan

4 State Budget $200 per pupil revenue for 17-18 ($450 total)
Thereafter, $630 per year $300 per student increase for Open Enrollment Lifetime teacher licenses

5 2017-2018 Budget at a Glance General Fund (Fund 10):
Budgeted Revenues: $4,340,535 Budgeted Expenditures: $4,340,535 Difference: $0- Balanced Budget

6 Fund 10 Revenue Summary Local Sources- 69% State Sources- 5%
Unaudited Budget Difference Change % Local Sources $3,015,749 $3,002,202 $13,547 0% State Sources $171,248 $212,090 $40,842 1% Federal Sources $110,962 $115,997 $5,035 5% Other $900,297 $ 1,011,201 $110,904 12% Local Sources- 69% State Sources- 5% Federal Sources- 3% Other Sources- 23%

7 District Enrollment Two Year Comparison of District Enrollment 2016-17
16-17 SBS Seats OE In OE Out Total FTE K4 38 13 2 27 13.5 K5 8 1 20 Grades 1-8 308 98 24 234 373 119 281 267.5 17-18 SBS Seats OE In OE Out Total FTE K4 24 5 12 K5 41 17 3 27 Grades 1-8 321 104 31 248 386 126 39 299 287


9 Tax Levy 2016-17- $32,506 Declining Enrollment Exemption
1- time payment Fund 10 Tax Levy Should have been $32,506 less than Instead, only a $10,912 decrease from 16-17 If the district were to maintain enrollment level for next year Average Membership- 286 (+7) $75,000 increase in funding


11 Open Enrollment Program
130 estimated Open Enrolled Students for $874,000 currently in budget Provides needed revenue to support district initiatives and programs Numbers based on last year’s $6,748 per FTE

12 Fund 10 Expenditure Breakdown
16-17 17-18 Change % Salaries 2,208,176 2,111,270 (96,906) -4% Benefits 850,840 966,781 87,541 10% Purchased Services 242,061 204,803 (8,858) Transportation 120,500 135,130 14,630 12% Utilities 76,000 68,000 (8,000) -11% Dues and Fees 25,181 18,913 (6,268) -25% Supplies 208,926 182,081 (26,845) -13% Capital 13,100 30,000 16,900 129% Other 587,000 623,558 36,558 6% 4,331,784 4,340,536

13 Fund 10 by Function Actual 16-17 Budget 17-18
EXPENDITURES & OTHER FINANCING USES Actual 16-17 Budget 17-18 Instruction Undifferentiated Curriculum 1,199,512.00 1,194,871 Regular Curriculum 851,553.34 831,189 Physical Curriculum 163,722.82 163,812 Co-Curricular Activities 27,919.28 27,860 Other Special Needs 83,641.79 83,887 Subtotal Instruction 2,326,349.23 2,301,619 Support Sources Pupil Services 84,784.33 86,386 Instructional Staff Services 155,879.33 150,119 General Administration 304,234.65 276,229 School Building Administration 68,807.14 64,499 Business Administration 582,817.52 586,274 Central Services 100,577.98 165,512 Insurance & Judgments 53,201.38 55,554 Debt Services 1,350.97 7,500 Other Support Services 42,539.56 94,500 Subtotal Support Sources 1,394,192.86 1,486,573 Non-Program Transactions Inter-fund Transfers 309,601.67 256,402 Instructional Service Payments 239,179.13 295,942 Other Non-Program Transactions 0.00 Subtotal Non-Program Transactions 548,780.80 552,344 TOTAL EXPENDITURES & OTHER FINANCING USES 4,269,322.89 4,340,534.91

14 Fund 27 Expenditures 16-17 Actual 17-18 Budget
EXPENDITURES & OTHER FINANCING USES 16-17 Actual 17-18 Budget Special Education Curriculum 351,850.72 320,042.00 Subtotal Instruction Support Sources Pupil Services 173,494.79 176,756.00 Instructional Staff Services 2,749.63 Business Administration 8,308.45 Other Support Services 15,809.00 10,706.00 Subtotal Support Sources 200,361.87 187,462.00 Instructional Service Payments 23,995.08 Other Non-Program Transactions 0.00 24,000.00 Subtotal Non-Program Transactions TOTAL EXPENDTURES & OTHER FINANCING USES 576,207.67 531,504.00

15 Fund 38- Debt Service Debt Payments for 2017-18
Spring 2018 Principal- $240,000 Interest- $19,922.50 Fall 2018 Interest- $18,122.50 Total Debt Payments- $278,045

16 Fund 49- Referendum Stone Bank School Security Vestibule
Fund 49- Referendum Project $73,484 Description Costs Installation of Window/Counter $ ,527 Painting/ Wall Base $ 5,990 Installation-Equipment- Buzzers/Locks $ 3,550 Installation/ Equipment- Panic Bars $ 3,784 Flooring/ Furniture $ 16,095 Furniture $ 18,723 Total Cost $ 69,669

17 Fund 50 Budget Hot Lunch Milk Sales Aids Register Snack Ala Carte
FOOD SERVICE FUND (FUND 50) Budget Hot Lunch 75,000.00 Milk Sales 4,750.00 Aids Register 15,875.00 Snack 1,500.00 Ala Carte 3,000.00 TOTAL REVENUES & OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 100,125.00 Staffing 42,390.00 Supplies/ Services 2,420.00 Food/ Milk 55,315.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES & OTHER FINANCING USES

18 Fund 50- Food Services Goal #1- Increase Revenue
Increase lunch numbers by providing a better lunch experience for students More in district cooked meals Fresher fruits and vegetables Smart Snacks Goal #2- Decrease expense Switch food providers from US Foods to GFS Join HPS buying Co-op Switch to Mapleton Dairy for milk

19 Fund 80- Community Services
Community Service (Fund 80) Budget Tax Levy 31,829.00 Wrap Care 21,001.00 TOTAL REVENUES & OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 52,830.00 Staffing 32,932.00 Cleaning Service 19,898.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES & OTHER FINANCING USES

20 Tax Levy by Fund

21 Mill Rate

22 Mill Rate Per $1,000 of Property Value 2016-2017 Final Mill Rate $4.96
Estimated Mill Rate $4.95 Home Value 2017 $150,000 $300,000 $400,000 School Tax 16-17 $ $1,488.00 $ 1,984.00 $ $ 1,485.00 $ 1,980.00

23 Upcoming Finance Calendar
September 11: Preliminary budget presented and tax levy approved September 15: 3rd Friday Student Count October 15: DPI provides final general school aid figures October 23: Board approves final budget and property levy for 17-18 November: Start 18/19 budget process

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