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Two Viewpoints Topic: ________________ Side 1: _______ Side 2: _______

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Presentation on theme: "Two Viewpoints Topic: ________________ Side 1: _______ Side 2: _______"— Presentation transcript:

1 Two Viewpoints Topic: ________________ Side 1: _______ Side 2: _______
Directions: On the left lens, write how Side 1 feels about the issue. In the right lens, write how side 2 feels about the issue. Include a small illustration or symbol to summarize each viewpoint. Side 1: _______ Side 2: _______ Topic: ________________ © 2014 Brain Wrinkles

2 Which Explorers Made an Impact?
The Top 12 Explorers!

3 Prince Henry the Navigator - 1419
Representing – Portugal Not an actual explorer Established schools for navigation – ship building, map making, instrument making Sent explorers out to explore coast of Africa Best way to get to Asia?

4 Bartholomeu Dias Representing - Portugal
Sailed to the tip of Africa – Cape of Good Hope Discovered new way to Indian Ocean

5 Vasco Da Gama Representing – Portugal
Sailed all the way around Africa to India Established a trade route from Europe to India

6 Christopher Columbus Representing – Spain
Thought he could reach Asia by sailing West Sailed for 3 months (Aug 1492-Oct 1492) Finally reached land and thought he was in India Really in the Bahamas/Carribean 3 more trips before dying and never realized it wasn’t Asia


8 Amerigo Vespucci Representing: Portugal and Spain
First to realize that where Columbus landed was a new continent American continents named after him

9 Treaty of Tordesillas Line of Demarcation
Imaginary Line to divide the newly discovered land between Spain and Portugal to avoid future wars

10 Vasco Balboa Representing – Spain
Marched through the Isthmus of Panama and discovered the Pacific Ocean

11 Ponce De Leon Representing – Spain
Discovered Florida and the Gulf of Mexico Spain has territory in lower part of North America

12 Ferdinand Magellan Representing – Spain
First to have his crew sail all the way around the world He was killed in the Philippines and only 18 of his original crew members and 1 ship returned

13 John Cabot Representing – England First to land in North America
Charted the coast of Newfoundland and allowed Britain to claim coast of North America

14 Sir Francis Drake Representing – England Followed Magellan’s route
Raided Spanish ships during his trip for the Queen

15 Samuel de Champlain Representing – France
Founded New France and Quebec City in present day Canada Established new colonies for France in North America

16 Sieur de la Salle Representing – France
Explored lower part of Mississippi Claimed land for King Louis XIV - Louisiana

17 Explorers Needed Assignment!
Pretend you are a king or queen that needs someone to explore the new world. Create an advertisement promoting this idea. Make sure it would catch the eye of someone who is walking by! Include what they would be doing and what they would gain by doing it! Remember this is something new and never done before. Make sure there is color and would appeal to a possible explorer!!

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