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Welcome to 8th grade at LMS!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 8th grade at LMS!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 8th grade at LMS!
Mrs. McKinney Room 105

2 This room will remain a SAFE and HAPPY place for learning
I will not tolerate disrespectful, violent or rude behavior. This includes attempts to threaten or intimidate. You are expected to have good manners and to speak to me and to your peers in a manner that is respectful and polite If you make a mess, clean it up… Do not touch things that do not belong to you without first asking permission…this goes back to having manners.

3 HUMANITIES Supplies: 3-ring binder (use your English Notebook)
Notebook dividers (5 sections) Pencils and pens (blue or black) One subject spiral notebook for journal 6- Report Folders w/pockets for projects

4 GRADES Most tests and quizzes will be online through
Quia tests/quizzes will be graded instantly and can be viewed using student login information from any location All grades will be uploaded to Power School weekly (usually on Friday) There will usually be at least one extra credit assignment per six weeks Students will receive 5 points extra credit on any HOMEWORK assignment that is TYPED

5 Grades – percentages: NOTEBOOK 5% [maintenance, Participation and preparation (pen, paper, book etc)] In Class JOURNALS 15% [usually daily] HOMEWORK 20% [weekly Bring Something New assignment & occasionally work not finished in class] QUIZZES 25% [reading comp & vocab - weekly] TESTS 20% [1-2 per six weeks] PROJECTS 15% [5-6 per year]

6 Grades – late work Students who are NOT ABSENT and do not turn in work on time will be penalized as follows: 1 calendar day late -10 points 2 calendar days late – 20 points 3 calendar days late – 30 points (students must bring the work to the teacher on their own time) After 3:30PM on day 3 = 0% If you are absent, late work is handled based on the county policy.

7 Extra Credit Any homework assignment that is typed will receive an extra 5 points There will usually be one extra credit assignment per six weeks. 8th grade EC policy: All course work must be completed to be eligible for extra credit. Extra credit will be instructionally based and will at the teacher’s discretion.

8 Some class rules….. No food, gum or soda – only WATER is allowed in the classroom Students are to be prepared for class each day. This includes paper, pencil/pen and the textbook – IT IS PART OF YOUR GRADE! Being unprepared for class can also cause you to lose incentives.

9 Class Syllabus and Cheating Policy
Class Syllabus will be handed out the 1st day of school. Each student will get 2 copies – one stays with the student, the other gets signed and returned to Mrs. McKinney We will review these in class in detail.

10 Homework Every week you will have a BRING SOMETHING NEW assignment due. It will be due the LAST meeting day of the week (either Thursday or Friday) This requires and additional research on the topic that we studied during the week and a summary which will be shared with the class. A form will be provided. Source can be from a newspaper, magazine, book or internet. There is an instruction sheet that will be distributed that gives the required information to be included on the assignment. . There may be time for students to do research for articles in class. Occasionally a student may need to complete classwork not finished in class at home

11 PROJECTS: (15% of grade) Projects will be worked on in class, but will require additional work at home. There will be no more the ONE project per six weeks. A project MAY NOT get completed within a six weeks. Projects will be researched based 1st Six weeks will be student’s choice from Ancient History

12 Standardized Testing THERE IS NONE 

13 What will we study? 1st Six Weeks – Ancient Times
Mayans & Aztecs Asian Cultures/Empires Ancient Europeans Ancient African cultures Egypt Middle East/Mediterranean (Greeks) Hebrews Vikings/Stonehenge 2nd Six Weeks - Medieval Times King Arthur Chaucer Beowulf (translated version) Crusades The plagues 3rd Six Weeks – Renaissance Shakespeare DaVinci Art Science Drama

14 What will be study…contd.
4th Six Weeks – Victorian Times Dickens (Oliver Twist) Reform etc. Civil War Lit (maybe Gone with the Wind excerpts) 5th Six Weeks – early 1900’s 1920’s – research on organized crime figures, prohibition etc. Depression – Annie video musical WWII/Holocaust – Diary of Anne Frank 6th Six Weeks – Mid 1900’s to Contemporary Times Civil Rights Vietnam Current Times

15 Contact Information Phone: (planning is in the morning. I do not have any other breaks after that. If you call in the afternoon, I may not be able to call you back until the next morning) (I check several times a day, including at home – this is the BEST way to get me and get a fast response) Class Website: click on web and enter your student login and password. You will have access to old tests, quizzes, class calendar, assignments, class documents, announcements and activities.

16 Other Information: Students will be using the internet often in my room. Please sign and return the internet permission form ASAP. We will be using the internet for the following: Tests & Quizzes Class activities Research Blogging about literary and historical topics Communication (students will be given a MONITORED address, that can be used with their 8th grade Classes. It is helpful, but not necessary, if students have access to the internet outside of class. The Library does have computers with internet access. Please be aware that the administration and teacher MONITOR the class websites, blogging site (NING) and student accounts.

17 Quia Page Sample (old)

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