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Exploration Scavenger Hunt

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2 Exploration Scavenger Hunt
Find the following on your map in your atlas on pg. 38 for each one find and note where they start, the date, the route and their final destination B.Dias 1487 Columbus 1492 De Gama 1497 Magellan 1519 Vespucci 1498, 1499 &1501 You don’t need to write anything down or map it. But some individual will be selected at random to draw the route on the board


4 A time period when Europeans began exploring and colonizing the rest of the World
Improvements to mapmaking (cartography) shipbuilding, rigging (system of ropes, cables, or chains employed to support a ship's masts) and navigation made exploration possible A period of time when Ruropeans began exploring the rest of the world


6 Bartolomeu Dias Navigator from Portugal
found sea route to Indian Ocean Sailed around the Cape of Good Hope (southern tip of Africa his discoveries allowed trade to go from Europe to Asia by sea instead of the Silk Road (controlled by Islamic Empire


8 Vasco da Gama Navigator from Portugal landed in India in 1498
extremely important trade route for spices


10 Ferdinand Magellan 1st round-the-world voyage
proof that the world was round Magellan himself didn’t make it, was killed in the Phillippines




14 Columbus sailed west (thinking it would be a quicker route to Asia instead of around Africa)
Found the Caribbean which lead to the European discovery of the Americas


16 Spain quickly conquered native lands & created colonies
Spain made huge amounts of money from raw goods, stolen gold, and enslaved natives and Africans - Spain became a huge super power

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