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Unit 3: Civil War 11.3.16.

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1 Unit 3: Civil War

2 Surrender at Appomattox
While Sherman (Union) marched toward the sea, Grant (Union) & Lee (Confederate) fought bitterly Grant captures the Confederate capital at Richmond, Virginia on April 3, 1865 Grant Lee

3 Surrender at Appomattox
April 9: Surrender agreement made Terms: Officers could keep their weapons and horses All troops could return home peacefully – no punishment for the rebellion

4 Assassination of President Lincoln
Lincoln elected to his second term in 1864 April 14, 1865, he is assassinated at Ford’s Theater in Washington, DC John Wilkes Booth Believed he was saving the Confederacy

5 Assassination of President Lincoln
Most of America, even the South, was shocked Northerners blamed Southerners and wanted the South punished Vice President Andrew Johnson takes over Tension between North & South extremely high

6 Reconstruction A period of rebuilding (especially the South) & reorganization thousands of former slaves suddenly found themselves free individuals Much of what happened during this time will set the stage for race relations that continue today

7 # African-Americans in Congress
Years # African-Americans in Congress 15 2 4 3 5 1 7 21 2016 44 What do you notice? Why do you think this happened?

8 Segregation System of racial “etiquette”
Keeps oppressed group separate from oppressor when both are doing equal tasks, but allows closeness when the tasks are unequal Ex: when learning the multiplication tables, schools must be separated, but when cooking or cleaning for white employers, black Americans can be in the same households Segregation thus implies that the oppressed people are inferior

9 Objectives What happened after the Civil War?
Why did it take 100+ years for black Americans to get equal rights?

10 Think. Pair. Share. “And Not This Man?” August 5, 1865
Colored Rule in a Reconstructed(?) State March 14, 1874

11 James Loewen Professor of Sociology at University of Vermont
Research with the Smithsonian Institute Lies My Teacher Told Me Q: What happened during Reconstruction?

12 Lies My Teacher Told Me Carefully read the selection from Loewen’s book Use the questions to find the key pieces of information Answer the questions as you read

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