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Presentation on theme: "ELECTRIC REVENUE REFUNDING BONDS SERIES 2016A"— Presentation transcript:

Presented by Matthew Hawkesworth Director of Finance September 12, 2016 Finance Committee/City Council

2 2016A Series Electric Revenue Refunding Bonds – Executive Summary
1- Refund current outstanding estimated $60 million balance on the existing Bank of America Line of credit 2- Borrow $30 million additional funds to complete improvements on the Electric Distribution System 3- Refund a substantial portion of the 2008 Electric Revenue Bonds to realize significant savings

3 Background – Line of Credit
In 2014, City Council approved the Bank of America Line of Credit (LOC) as a short- term financing mechanism for the construction of the remaining cost of the GT5 repowering project The LOC served its purpose and saved ratepayers approximately $3.4 million in interest expense Staff also indicated in 2014 that upon completion of the project, the LOC will be refunded or “taken out” with a long term fixed rate financing Staff’s recommendation is to refund the LOC by the issuance of the recommended 2016 Electric Revenue Refunding Bonds

4 New Proceeds for the Distribution System
Borrow additional $30 million through this transaction to fund cost related to the Distribution System Distribution Projects that will be funded include: Cable Replacement and Testing Power Distribution Capacity and Reliability Program 4kV Distribution System Conversion Replacement and Upgrade of Electric Equipment/Facilities Proceeds of the 2016A Bonds are expected to be used to finance a portion of the Council adopted 5-year CIP Upgrade distribution components and major facilities Consistent with PWP’s long-term practice to fund capital projects with approximately 30% cash and 70% bond financings.

5 Refunding the 2008 Series for Economic Benefits
Take advantage of current low interest rates Potential to refund $47.13 million of the $ million outstanding bonds in today’s interest rate environment Current rates on the 2008 series range from 4%-5% Potential to refinance them at 2.75% rate Estimated NPV savings of $6.5 million or 13.7% of the outstating debt Refunding is sensitive to interest rates. Every increase or decrease in rates by 0.25% translates to a $1 million shift in NPV savings The Refunding will not extend the current term on the bonds

6 2016A Electric Revenue Refunding Bonds
Not to exceed $140 million Will be sold on a competitive basis with maximum term of 30 years Average life will be 16.7 years with final maturity in FY2046 All-in True Interest Cost is estimated to be 3.06% based on current markets Debt service payments will be made from the Power Fund and are included in the FY2017 budget appropriations

7 Recommendation 1- Find the proposed action is not a project to CEQA as
defined in Section of CEQA, and as such, no environmental document pursuant to CEQA is required for the project 2. Adopt a resolution authorizing the invitation of bids for the purchase of electric revenue refunding bonds, 2016A series, approving a notice to sell bonds, a preliminary official statement, a notice inviting bids, authorizing the publication of a notice of intention to sell bonds and authorizing certain actions in connection therewith;

8 Recommendation (continued)
3.Conduct the first reading of “An Ordinance of the City of Pasadena authorizing the issuance by the City of not to exceed $140 million aggregate principal amount of City of Pasadena Electric Revenue Bonds, 2016A series, payable out of the Light and Power Fund, and approving the execution and delivery of a ninth supplement to electric revenue bonds fiscal agent agreement, an escrow agreement and continuing disclosure agreement in connection thereto.


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