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Handful of Books.

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1 Handful of Books

2 About Our Project To create a sustainable library to enrich the education of children across schools and educational centers in Amman provided by Caritas.

3 The Center The Al-Karak center was established in 2009 order to coordinate different types of humanitarian assistance towards targeted groups. Being part of Caritas Jordan, the Center provides services to the people regardless of sex, religion or nationality. The Caritas center is willing to show constant care towards the library, as they are willing to continue to look after it and the kids who visit it.

4 The Budget ITEM DETAIL BUDGET (JOD) Bean bags Two of them. 84 Paint
To paint one wall 50 Bookcases Good quality, floating shelves. 500 books Donated by Shoman library 100 Extra stuff Bins, rugs, decorations, stationery, lego,coloring books, toys.. Tables and Chairs 3 round tables with four chairs on each one - TOTAL: 1334 JOD

5 Budget Plan B Item Detail Cost Bean bags Two bean bags 84 Bookcases
Cheaper and lower quality 300 Books Some donated by shoman library 100 Extra stuff Stationery, lego, puzzles... Tables and chairs Two tables with four chairs - Total Price 834

6 Model

7 The Plan February: Pizza sale (22th) and Zain bazaar + donations (800jds) By the end of February: We will finish all fundraising events and visit the center to measure the room (25th). In march: Buy all the required items to refurbish the room. We will take a group of volunteers from the sixth form and the community student voice team to go with us to the center to help us put in the items (24th). Finally, in April: We will launch the project and begin to visit and read to the kids in the center.

8 The Importance of this project
To help us create a safe environment. To Instill in the minds of children the importance of education . To motivate children to visit more libraries.

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