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Professor Ronald L. Carter

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1 Professor Ronald L. Carter
Semiconductor Device Modeling and Characterization EE5342, Lecture 7-Spring 2005 Professor Ronald L. Carter L7 February 08

2 Injection Conditions L7 February 08

3 Apply the Continuity Eqn in CNR
Ideal Junction Theory (cont.) Apply the Continuity Eqn in CNR L7 February 08

4 Ideal Junction Theory (cont.)
L7 February 08

5 Ideal Junction Theory (cont.)
L7 February 08

6 Excess minority carrier distr fctn
L7 February 08

7 Carrier Injection ln(carrier conc) ln Na ln Nd ln ni ~Va/Vt ~Va/Vt
ln ni2/Nd ln ni2/Na x -xpc -xp xnc xn L7 February 08

8 Minority carrier currents
L7 February 08

9 Evaluating the diode current
L7 February 08

10 Special cases for the diode current
L7 February 08

11 Ideal diode equation Assumptions: Current dens, Jx = Js expd(Va/Vt)
low-level injection Maxwell Boltzman statistics Depletion approximation Neglect gen/rec effects in DR Steady-state solution only Current dens, Jx = Js expd(Va/Vt) where expd(x) = [exp(x) -1] L7 February 08

12 Ideal diode equation (cont.)
Js = Js,p + Js,n = hole curr + ele curr Js,p = qni2Dp coth(Wn/Lp)/(NdLp) = qni2Dp/(NdWn), Wn << Lp, “short” = qni2Dp/(NdLp), Wn >> Lp, “long” Js,n = qni2Dn coth(Wp/Ln)/(NaLn) = qni2Dn/(NaWp), Wp << Ln, “short” = qni2Dn/(NaLn), Wp >> Ln, “long” Js,n << Js,p when Na >> Nd L7 February 08

13 Diffnt’l, one-sided diode conductance
Static (steady-state) diode I-V characteristic IQ Va VQ L7 February 08

14 Diffnt’l, one-sided diode cond. (cont.)
L7 February 08

15 Charge distr in a (1- sided) short diode
dpn Assume Nd << Na The sinh (see L12) excess minority carrier distribution becomes linear for Wn << Lp dpn(xn)=pn0expd(Va/Vt) Total chg = Q’p = Q’p = qdpn(xn)Wn/2 Wn = xnc- xn dpn(xn) Q’p x xn xnc L7 February 08

16 Charge distr in a 1- sided short diode
dpn Assume Quasi-static charge distributions Q’p = Q’p = qdpn(xn)Wn/2 ddpn(xn) = (W/2)* {dpn(xn,Va+dV) - dpn(xn,Va)} dpn(xn,Va+dV) dpn(xn,Va) dQ’p Q’p x xn xnc L7 February 08

17 Cap. of a (1-sided) short diode (cont.)
L7 February 08

18 Diode equivalent circuit (small sig)
ID h is the practical “ideality factor” IQ VD VQ L7 February 08

19 Small-signal eq circuit
Cdiff and Cdepl are both charged by Va = VQ Va Cdiff rdiff Cdepl L7 February 08

20 General time- constant
L7 February 08

21 General time- constant (cont.)
L7 February 08

22 General time- constant (cont.)
L7 February 08

23 Effect of carrier recombination in DR
The S-R-H rate (tno = tpo = to) is L7 February 08

24 Effect of carrier rec. in DR (cont.)
For low Va ~ 10 Vt In DR, n and p are still > ni The net recombination rate, U, is still finite so there is net carrier recomb. reduces the carriers available for the ideal diode current adds an additional current component L7 February 08

25 Effect of carrier rec. in DR (cont.)
L7 February 08

26 Effect of non- zero E in the CNR
This is usually not a factor in a short diode, but when E is finite -> resistor In a long diode, there is an additional ohmic resistance (usually called the parasitic diode series resistance, Rs) Rs = L/(nqmnA) for a p+n long diode. L=Wn-Lp (so the current is diode-like for Lp and the resistive otherwise). L7 February 08

27 High level injection effects
Law of the junction remains in the same form, [pnnn]xn=ni2exp(Va/Vt), etc. However, now dpn = dnn become >> nno = Nd, etc. Consequently, the l.o.t.j. reaches the limiting form dpndnn = ni2exp(Va/Vt) Giving, dpn(xn) = niexp(Va/(2Vt)), or dnp(-xp) = niexp(Va/(2Vt)), L7 February 08

28 High level inj effects (cont.)
L7 February 08

29 Summary of Va > 0 current density eqns.
Ideal diode, Jsexpd(Va/(hVt)) ideality factor, h Recombination, Js,recexp(Va/(2hVt)) appears in parallel with ideal term High-level injection, (Js*JKF)1/2exp(Va/(2hVt)) SPICE model by modulating ideal Js term Va = Vext - J*A*Rs = Vext - Idiode*Rs L7 February 08

30 Plot of typical Va > 0 current density equations
ln(J) data Effect of Rs Vext VKF L7 February 08

31 Reverse bias (Va<0) => carrier gen in DR
Va < 0 gives the net rec rate, U = -ni/2t0, t0 = mean min carr g/r l.t. L7 February 08

32 Reverse bias (Va< 0), carr gen in DR (cont.)
L7 February 08

33 Reverse bias junction breakdown
Avalanche breakdown Electric field accelerates electrons to sufficient energy to initiate multiplication of impact ionization of valence bonding electrons field dependence shown on next slide Heavily doped narrow junction will allow tunneling - see Neamen*, p. 274 Zener breakdown L7 February 08

34 Reverse bias junction breakdown
Assume -Va = VR >> Vbi, so Vbi-Va-->VR Since Emax~ 2VR/W = (2qN-VR/(e))1/2, and VR = BV when Emax = Ecrit (N- is doping of lightly doped side ~ Neff) BV = e (Ecrit )2/(2qN-) Remember, this is a 1-dim calculation L7 February 08

35 Reverse bias junction breakdown
L7 February 08

36 Ecrit for reverse breakdown (M&K**)
Taken from p. 198, M&K** Casey Model for Ecrit L7 February 08

37 Junction curvature effect on breakdown
The field due to a sphere, R, with charge, Q is Er = Q/(4per2) for (r > R) V(R) = Q/(4peR), (V at the surface) So, for constant potential, V, the field, Er(R) = V/R (E field at surface increases for smaller spheres) Note: corners of a jctn of depth xj are like 1/8 spheres of radius ~ xj L7 February 08

38 BV for reverse breakdown (M&K**)
Taken from Figure 4.13, p. 198, M&K** Breakdown voltage of a one-sided, plan, silicon step junction showing the effect of junction curvature.4,5 L7 February 08

39 Gauss’ Law rpc rp rj rn rnc L7 February 08

40 Spherical Diode Fields calculations
For rj < ro ≤ rn, Setting Er = 0 at r = rn, we get Note that the equivalent of the lever law for this spherical diode is L7 February 08

41 Spherical Diode Fields calculations
Assume Na >> Nd, so rn – rj  d >> rj – rp. Further, setting the usual definition for the potential difference, and evaluating the potential difference at breakdown, we have PHIi – Va = BV and Emax = Em = Ecrit = Ec. We also define a = 3eEm/qNd[cm]. L7 February 08

42 Showing the rj  ∞ limit C1. Solve for rn – rj = d as a function of Emax and solve for the value of d in the limit of rj  . The solution for rn is given below. . L7 February 08

43 Solving for the Breakdown (BV)
Solve for BV = [fi – Va]Emax = Ecrit, and solve for the value of BV in the limit of rj  . The solution for BV is given below . L7 February 08

44 Spherical diode Breakdown Voltage
L7 February 08

45 Example calculations Assume throughout that p+n jctn with Na = 3e19cm-3 and Nd = 1e17cm-3 From graph of Pierret mobility model, mp = 331 cm2/V-sec and Dp = Vtmp = ? Why mp and Dp? Neff = ? Vbi = ? L7 February 08

46 L7 February 08

47 Parameters for examples
Get tmin from the model used in Project tmin = (45 msec) (7.7E-18cm3)Ni+(4.5E-36cm6)Ni2 For Nd = 1E17cm3, tp = 25 msec Why Nd and tp ? Lp = ? L7 February 08

48 Hole lifetimes, taken from Shur***, p. 101.
L7 February 08

49 Example Js,long, = ? If xnc, = 2 micron, Js,short, = ? L7 February 08

50 Example (cont.) Estimate VKF Estimate IKF L7 February 08

51 Example (cont.) Estimate Js,rec Estimate Rs if xnc is 100 micron
L7 February 08

52 Example (cont.) Estimate Jgen for 10 V reverse bias Estimate BV
L7 February 08

53 Diode Switching Consider the charging and discharging of a Pn diode
(Na > Nd) Wd << Lp For t < 0, apply the Thevenin pair VF and RF, so that in steady state IF = (VF - Va)/RF, VF >> Va , so current source For t > 0, apply VR and RR IR = (VR + Va)/RR, VR >> Va, so current source L7 February 08

54 Diode switching (cont.)
VF,VR >> Va F: t < 0 Sw RF R: t > 0 VF + RR D VR + L7 February 08

55 Diode charge for t < 0 pn pno x xn xnc L7 February 08

56 Diode charge for t >>> 0 (long times)
pn pno x xn xnc L7 February 08

57 Equation summary L7 February 08

58 Snapshot for t barely > 0
pn Total charge removed, Qdis=IRt pno x xn xnc L7 February 08

59 I(t) for diode switching
ID IF ts ts+trr t - 0.1 IR -IR L7 February 08

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