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English 11 – Periods 5 & 6 Tues, 2/6 & Thurs, 2/8, 2018

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1 English 11 – Periods 5 & 6 Tues, 2/6 & Thurs, 2/8, 2018
Considerations: Start of class Tues, 2/6: Speech Brainstorm in Google Classroom Due Thurs, 2/8: Good start on Speech Analysis IF ABSENT - Remind text? Check agenda? Complete CW/HW? **P/u items & MUG SHOT NB for Grammar/Lit Term/**Cell in backpack/pocket

2 Today’s Activities MUG Shots: #15A, 15B
Literary Terms: 5th: Symbol & Denot.+ / 6th: Int. Mono.+/Ext. Metaphor Writing SOL Review: In class Tues, 2/6: review 5 Px. Essay Notes, review essay ex’s In class Thurs, 2/8: ret’n Thesis Blast; review essay ex’s; CHOOSE ONE Essay Prompt exercise/compl. thru Step 4 & CHECK w/peer or Ms. K (through Step 5 for HW on Mon, 2/12) Rhetorical Analysis Unit Start of class Tues, 2/6: submit Speech Analysis Brainstorm assignment in Google Classroom / Peer Edit/discuss & resubmit In class Tues, 2/6: Choose ONE speech; begin analysis for Rhetorical Appeals/Devices In class Thurs, 2/8: Continue analysis for Rhetorical Appeals/Devices

3 HW for Thurs, 2/8 & Beyond HW for Thurs, 2/8: Have a start on Speech Analysis (speech chosen/annotation started) HW for Mon, 2/12: CHOOSE ONE Essay Prompt exercise/compl. thru Step 5 A Look Ahead to Next Week: SOL Prep Speech Analysis Comma Mini Unit / Quack Vocab 2 (#11-20)

4 Evernote Speech Bank Activity
Directions: Access the notebook - / Password: English11 Click on Notebook Icon – on left – choose English 11 – Examples of Rhetoric View the choices; choose THREE speeches of interest In Google Classroom assignment, complete a typed, THREE PARAGRAPH response in MLA format that includes the following for each speech: Title and author of speech When/where was it given? In what political or social context?  What is it about? What was its intended purpose or goal at the time given? Include in-text citation and Works Cited for any info/source used for background info

5 After Quiz - Journal Entry – Being Human
Respond to the quote in a thoughtful, half page response; include the following in your response: What you think the quote means (in your own words), AND How the quote applies to you personally, AND How the quote relates to your most recent CommonLit article topic OR to a current real-world issue

6 Journal Writing Guidelines
Loose leaf paper (or online) Name, date, period at top (if handwritten) Restate the question in your response 10-15 complete, thoughtful sentences OR 15 minute write (extended); this is approx. half a page Read through once to proofread for errors

7 Steps to Create a Thesis Statement
First: Understand the prompt Next: Brainstorm both sides (T-Chart) Then: Pick a side to argue based on strongest evidence Finally: Write your thesis statement in parallel structure with your three strongest reasons for support

8 A Thesis Statement does the following:
Answers the question Chooses a side of the argument Provides three strong reasons for that argument Uses parallel structure within ONE complete sentence

9 SOL Practice Prompt Because of safety concerns, many states have increased the age at which teens can begin to drive. Your state legislature is considering raising the minimum driving age from 16 to 18. Do you think the minimum driving age should be raised? Take a position on this issue. Support your response with reasons and specific examples First: Understand the prompt Next: Brainstorm both sides (T-Chart) Then: Pick a side to argue based on strongest evidence Finally: Write your thesis statement in parallel structure with three strongest reasons for support

10 Example – Incorporating a Quote using Title/Author of Article
In the CommonLit online article “Life Isn’t Fair – Deal with It”, author Mike Myatt shares that while laws cannot engender fairness, “people’s desire and determination can work around or overcome most life challenges” (Myatt).

11 Example - In-Text Citations
Novel (Author Last Name #) Online Article If there is an author - (Last Name of Author) IF there is no author - (“Title of Article”)

12 Examples – Works Cited Citation Format
Novel: Last Name, First Name. Title of Book. Publisher, Publication Date. Online Article: Author Last Name, First Name. “Title of Article.” Website, Original Publisher, Year Electronically Published, URL of Website. Date of Access (Day Abbreviated Month Year).  

13 Journal Writing Guidelines
Loose leaf paper (or online) Name, date, period at top (if handwritten) Restate the question in your response 5-10 complete, thoughtful sentences OR 15 minute write (extended); this is one paragraph+ or front of a page Read through once to proofread for errors

14 Example – Quote Analysis
Quote: “In Wellpinit, I was a freak because I loved books. In Reardan, I was a joyous freak” (Alexie 98). Page#: 98 (Ch. 12) Situational Context: Junior is becoming better friends with Gordy, one of the “smart” kids. Gordy stood up for him in defense against their science teacher, Mr. Dodge, in regards to his misinformation and racist behavior. In getting to know Gordy better, and in using him as an example, Junior is realizing that his “freak” status and interests may actually turn out to be his strengths. Reaction (why did you choose it): This quote highlights the beginning of Junior’s internal change in the way he views himself. In the past, one of his primary internal conflicts has involved his negative view of himself as related to his disabilities and his family/cultural situation; he realizes he has personal strengths, but those strengths are not consistently reinforced as positive in his environment. With this new beginning, he is learning that he may be able to resolve this internal conflict by reframing his “negatives” as positives.

15 Example – Characterization
Type of Indirect Characterization: Actions (the “A” of STEAL) Quote: “’I said, go away!’…So I walk away, but something pulls me back. I don’t know what it is. If you’re romantic, you might think it was destiny. So destiny and me lean against the wall and wait” (Alexie 106). Page#: 106 (Ch. 15) Situational Context Junior hears Penelope throwing up outside the girls’ bathroom. Despite her protests, he refuses to leave and confronts her. Later on in their conversation, he explains that they both are touched by compulsive behaviors (she by bulimia, his father by alcoholism). What Does it Say About the Character as a Person: In his attempt to support and understand her, Junior shows he is caring, loyal, and honest; he is not afraid to talk to her about the hard subjects, and he tries to be there for her.

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