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Managing Your Chapter’s Clients Not Yet Counseled

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Presentation on theme: "Managing Your Chapter’s Clients Not Yet Counseled"— Presentation transcript:

1 Managing Your Chapter’s Clients Not Yet Counseled
Michael Gilman Sr. Business Systems Analyst SCORE Technology

2 Housekeeping Will be taking questions after each topic
Everyone will be muted Can be unmuted to ask question aloud Raise hand to ask question or enter in Questions section Run polls now.. Then next section starts

3 Today’s Agenda Assigning and re-assigning mentoring requests
Tackling the CNYC list Session types Available training and resources

4 New Client Mentoring Requests
Log in: Search for new clients

5 Mentoring Requests View MREs Not Yet Assigned from most recent to oldest

6 Search Chapter Clients

7 Search National Clients

8 Add New Client

9 Already Exists If client already exists, search National Clients

10 Assigning Mentoring Requests
Either way will take you to a list of your chapter’s mentoring requests – most recent to oldest. Click the large blue arrow on the right next to the MRE status column.

11 Assigning Mentoring Requests
Box on the Left here will pop up – shows all of your active and provisional members in alpha order. When you click the name of the mentor you want to assign the request to, the box on the right opens up - Best Practice: add note and be specific – info included here goes out in the notification the volunteer gets alerting them that a request has been assigned to them.

12 Mark As Contacted Creates a non-session note stating “Contacted client [client name] on [that day’s date]. Removes them from Not Yet Contacted list but not from the Not Yet Counseled list.

13 Reassigning MREs Within Your Chapter
Follow same procedure as initial assignment Do we need a slide about this or can it just be mentioned?

14 Reassigning MREs to Another Chapter
Before reassigning you need to know: 1. Where am I reassigning the client? 2. To whom do I reassign the MRE?

15 Find Correct Chapter If you do not know the client’s nearest SCORE location based on their city, state or zip code, search their zip code on the SCORE National website ( Results will include main chapter locations as well as their branches.

16 Find Correct Recipient
Once you have the Chapter Name, go back to CORE to locate their chapter information page

17 Locate Chapter Admin Enter chapter name in Search field and click “Search”. Click on chapter name link to see their information page.

18 Leaders Section Scroll down the page until you see the “Leaders” section. If there is no member listed there as Chapter Admin, it is a best practice to resort to the Chapter Chair instead.

19 Final Steps Go back to Mentoring Requests/Clients Not Yet Assigned page Follow same procedure as reassigning within chapter Select Chapter from drop down menu & Chapter Admin name from Volunteer list Even more important to include an Admin note in this situation so that the Admin or Chair knows why this client is being reassigned to them.

20 Clients Not Yet Counseled List
The CNYC page lists all client requests where no mentoring sessions have been added. These requests may or may not have been assigned to a mentor and a nonsession note may or may not have been entered.

21 Clients Not Yet Counseled List

22 Session Types New Case Follow-On Close Out Non-session
New case: used when you are inputting an actual mentoring session in for a client – after a meeting, during a meeting. Follow-on: self-explanatory Close Out: Should be used when closing out an MRE. Close outs with hours in Time Spent Counseling are counted as mentoring sessions in reports. Those without hours are not. Non-Session : used to make general notes such as attempts to contact a client. NOT counted as mentoring session in reports. *** ONLY New Case, Follow-On, or Close Outs will remove a client from the Clients Not Yet Counseled List – but be EXTREMELY careful to remember that the NPS survey is triggered by the 1st and 4th sessions entered in for a client. Non-sessions never trigger NPS. *** New Case, Follow-ons, and Close Outs all require Lead Mentor name in that field. You will get an error message that one is required if you try to submit one without that information.

23 Proper Close Out a. Select the Session Type, Close Out
b. Set the Contact Hours to 0 so no NPS survey is sent to the client, and c. Add a Session Note explaining why this client is being closed out. d. Click Save. The client will be automatically removed from the CNYC list and their status will be updated to Inactive

24 Available Resources and Support
SCORE Help Site: Recent Tech Webinars CORE Training Resources Chapter Website Guides Accounts Help Desk: us at . Submit Bug/Enhancement Suggest topics for webinars and How To Guides

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