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Tato prezentace je hrazena z projektu: Spolupráce s partnery – základ kvalitní odborné výuky Registrační číslo: CZ.1.07/1.1.01/02.0033.

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Presentation on theme: "Tato prezentace je hrazena z projektu: Spolupráce s partnery – základ kvalitní odborné výuky Registrační číslo: CZ.1.07/1.1.01/02.0033."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tato prezentace je hrazena z projektu: Spolupráce s partnery – základ kvalitní odborné výuky Registrační číslo: CZ.1.07/1.1.01/02.0033

2 The UP building

3 INTRODUCTION It is located in Třebíč, Horka - Domky. It comes from 1922 – Josef Vaněk, a businessman and architect, was a founder. It is constructed in Rondocubism. Josef Goč á r was its architect and designer The building was used for furniture production for 78 years.

4 Rondocubism - National Style 1918 Visiul plasticity Geometrical shapes Vaults and diagonals Right angles rejected

5 Josef Gočár (1880 - 1945) A Czech architect, one of the founders of modern architecture. styles: Modernism - Wenke Department Store, Jaroměř (1909 – 1911). Cubism – House of the Black Madonna, Celetná Street, Prague (1912) and Bathhouse in Bohdaneč near Pardubice. Rondocubism - Legiobanka in Prague, Angrobanka in Hradec Králové. Functionalism - District office building and St. Wenceslas church, Vršovice, Prague. Who speaks a lot, feels no much

6 History of UP Works 1913- Josef Vaněk, jr. became a director, the building was given its name. Furniture making was the basis, but there were also upholsters, painters, glaziers and watchmakers. The company got a good reputation. 1947 - nationalization -> decline in the quality. 1968 - UP Works became a part of the Headquarters of Furniture industry in Brno. 1991- joint-stock company Tusculum 2007- joint-stock company Jitona

7 The building Four-storey building with a rectangular layout. Main entrance is located in the northern part, there are two steps. Facade was planned to be blue-white-red to symbolize the flag of the new Czechoslovak Republic. However, it was never realized. Building is divided into two parts. Workshops Reinforced concrete sceleton construction extended with brickwork masonry. Administrative part Built with firebricks.

8 Interior Basement: boiler room, warehouse First floor: four rooms with accessories Second floor: exhibition space Third floor: working studio There have been original door panels so far.

9 UP Works: Comparison of state PastPresent Facade colourPastel redOcher RoofCovered with wood- cement Oil film strips Main doorsWooden doors with art metal mounting Simple wooden doors with glass panels Windows 1st+2nd floor Double wooden framed windows fitted into reveals, divided into a Latin cross Double wooden with a T shape Windows 3rd+4th floor Each half was divided into a cross Wooden windows divided into a cross

10 Architectural elements massive half-columns at the front facade (decorated with cylindrical, circular or semicircular elements) relief sculptural decoration – broken cornice with three half-cylindres cornice above doors with a span massive entablature with a broken rooftop ledge

11 View of UP Works from the yard Water tower

12 Workshops Administrative part + workshops

13 Current situation Production was finished in 2000. Building has not been used, it is breaking up. It is worth more attention. Gočár´s design is stored in the archive of National Technical Museum in Prague.

14 Thank you for your attention.

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