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Leadership Analysis: Alexander the Great

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1 Leadership Analysis: Alexander the Great
By: Cameron Ross, Mackenzie Mayernik, Katie Abraham

2 Introduction Great leadership knows no time period, region, or social status Alexander the Great conquered an immense amount of the ancient world in such a short amount of time Traversed language & terrain barriers Ruled without modern technology Leader through adversity

3 Early life Alexander the Great was born in 356 B.C.
Son to King Philip II of Macedonia Tutored in his childhood by Aristotle At the age of 20 Alexander becomes king of the Corinthian League after the death of his father

4 Conquests Alexander was able to control Greece and Macedonia
He formed a great Army with many trusted friends as his Commanders and Confidants He set out to destroy the Persian Empire and conquer the world Alexander spent two years securing Asia Minor Eventually he would conquer the Persian Empire and move as far west as India

5 Conquests (cont.) Alexander was just 32 when he died. He left behind an empire that stretched from Greece and Macedonia, to Mesopotamia. He conquered Persepolis, Babylon, Bactria. He created outposts throughout his empire named Alexandria, the most famous being the Alexandria of Egypt. 5.2 million square km empire Traversed boundaries & languages How?

6 Leadership Alexander the Great was a fearless leader in every sense of the phrase. He was known to battle on the front lines beside his soldiers. Accepted other cultures and did not force Macedonian traditions on the people he conquered, in fact, he adopted a lot of the traditions of the cultures he conquered. Created a circle of trusted advisors and friends and destroyed anyone he mistrusted or who may have posed a threat.

7 Leadership Ruthless and passionate
Ability to inspire his army for 10 years of conquest across foreign lands with minimal breaks. Unbending faith in the gods he prayed to. This gave him confidence and a belief that he was destined to conquer the world. Burning motivation and desire to be the most powerful, and he refused to entertain losing.

8 Leadership Not the perfect leader, however; throughout his reign he encountered countless rebellions and insurrections from inside his empire. Betrayed multiple times by advisors, and he was hated by some of the regions he conquered. Adopted many of the cultural aspects of those he conquered turning Macedonians against him. Nevertheless, his ability ot persuade was so powerful that these same naysayers continued to carry his flag. yrs

9 Leadership Accepted other cultures and often made them his culture  respect those around us, remain open-minded and absorb the best of others opinions Created a circle of trusted advisors  continue to build our network Unbending faith gave him confidence and purpose find something in our lives that provides us a burning motivation to better

10 Fearless – Fierce – Fascinating
Conclusion Fearless – Fierce – Fascinating Conquered an immense amount of land in a very short amount of time. Inspired men to accomplish greatness time and again Made his mark on the world


12 Works Cited Freeman, Philip. Alexander the Great. New York: Simon & Schuster, Print. "Alexander the Great (Alexander of Macedon) Biography." Alexander the Great (Alexander of Macedon) Biography. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Sept "Alexander the Great." A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 22 Sept

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