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Public Safety Employment Process

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1 Public Safety Employment Process

2 Where To Work? You must decide for yourself… Professional Goals
Level of Law Enforcement (Local, State, Federal) Size of Agency (Small town, Big City) Area of the Country Public Safety Employment Process

3 Requirements to Apply Standards you MUST meet to apply Minimum Age
Where to Work? Requirements To Apply Standards you MUST meet to apply Minimum Age U.S. Citizen Valid Driver’s License Minimum Education No Felony Convictions Public Safety Employment Process

4 Job Application Basic information about the applicant Who you are?
Where to Work? Requirements To Apply Job Application Basic information about the applicant Who you are? Background information Must be filled out completely False Information (grounds for) Dismissed from process Fired (if hired) Criminal charges Public Safety Employment Process

5 Entrance Exam Designed to test…. Basic Skills and Aptitudes
Where to Work? Requirements To Apply Job Application Entrance Exam Designed to test…. Basic Skills and Aptitudes Does not test…. Police Knowledge Will eliminate…. Applicants who lack basic skills needed to be a police officer Results of the test… Roster of Applicants Public Safety Employment Process

6 Physical Agility Test Physical Fitness Test
Where to Work? Requirements To Apply Job Application Entrance Exam Physical Agility Test Can only ask applicants to do what the LEAST qualified officer can do “Fence” rule Physical Fitness Test Applicants must meet minimum standards in select exercises Obstacle Course (similar to Military) Applicants must complete the course in specific time limits Designed to evaluate…. Physical Conditions Coordination Speed of movement Strength Public Safety Employment Process

7 Greenville, SC Police Department

8 Gatlinburg, TN Police Department

9 Interview Public Safety Employment Process
Where to Work? Requirements To Apply Job Application Entrance Exam Physical Agility Test Interview Background Investigation Will Begin Details of the background investigation Facts about the department Number of openings Salary, benefits, responsibilities What are we looking at? Appearance Interest in job Communication skills Public Safety Employment Process

10 Background Investigation
Where to Work? Requirements To Apply Job Application Entrance Exam Physical Agility Test Interview Background Investigation Gives us a complete picture of the applicant!!! Verify Information On The Application Check…. Driving Record Personal References Criminal Record Current/Past Employer Military Record Neighbors Financial Status Family Education Others Public Safety Employment Process

11 Oral Review Board Consist of… At least three members of the department
Where to Work? Requirements To Apply Job Application Entrance Exam Physical Agility Test Interview Background Investigation Oral Review Board Designed to see how you respond under stress!! Consist of… At least three members of the department Panel format…. Use of specific, standardized questions All candidates asked the same questions Rated on their response Public Safety Employment Process

12 Polygraph Public Safety Employment Process
Where to Work? Requirements To Apply Job Application Entrance Exam Physical Agility Test Interview Background Investigation Oral Review Board Polygraph When we are under stress, our bodies undergo Physiological Changes: Sweating Increased Heart Rate Increased Respirations Polygraph records these changes!!! Polygraph means “many writings” Three main sections of the polygraph Pneumograph Measures respiration and depth of breathing Galvanograph Measures changes in the skins electrical resistance Cardiograph Measures blood pressure and pulse rate Public Safety Employment Process

13 Polygraph Examination

14 Pass/Fail Three ratings: Poor-Fair-Good Psychological Exam
Where to Work? Requirements To Apply Job Application Entrance Exam Physical Agility Test Interview Background Investigation Oral Review Board Polygraph Psychological Evaluate personality structure and determine whether recruits have any disorders that would adversely affect their functioning Can only be required if offering a job Determine emotional status related to the career Measure personality dimensions: Anxiety, sociability, personal adjustment, social adjustment Screen out candidates who have maladjusted or problem personalities Pass/Fail Three ratings: Poor-Fair-Good Good is the “Pass” rating Public Safety Employment Process

15 Medical Exam & Drug Screen
Where to Work? Requirements To Apply Job Application Entrance Exam Physical Agility Test Interview Background Investigation Oral Review Board Polygraph Psychological Medical Exam Drug Screen Drug Test Alcohol Illegal Drugs Prescription Drugs Can only be required if offering a job Primary focus Vision Hearing Cardiovascular-respiratory system Emphasis on current health care “Medically” fit Public Safety Employment Process

16 Legal Guidelines in Hiring
Omnibus Civil Rights Act (1964) Prohibits discrimination in private sector Equal Employment Opportunity Act (1972) Prohibits discrimination In private or public sector Local, state, or federal employment 1990-Americans with Disabilities Act Prohibits discrimination based on a disability

17 Purpose of the Hiring Process?
To Find the “Best Qualified” Applicants

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