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Topic: Lipids EQ: Explain the structure and function of lipids.

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2 Topic: Lipids EQ: Explain the structure and function of lipids.
Pg. 15 in your Journal


4 E Monomer of LIPIDS TRIGLYCERIDES are the monomers of lipids
The shape of a triglyceride is like the letter “E” E This is a triglyceride molecule

5 Triglycerides are made of…
1 Glycerol 3 Fatty Acids (Saturated = bad, unsaturated = good)

6 QUICK CHECKS What is the monomer of a lipid called? A triglyceride
What are the parts of a triglyceride? Glycerol, 3 fatty acids

7 Fatty Acids can be saturated or unsaturated
1. Saturated fatty acids: no double bonds (bad) 2. Unsaturated fatty acids: double bonds (good)

8 Polymer of LIPIDS Lipids are not polymers, because the monomers do not form bonds They are held together by hydrophobic interactions (they repel water)

9 Hydrophobic Properties of lipids
Hydrophilic head = water LOVING Hydrophobic tails = water FEARING This is why water and lipids do not mix


11 QUICK CHECKS What is the polymer of a lipid?
Lipids are not polymers! The monomers don’t bond together What holds lipids together? Hydrophobic interactions

12 FUNCTIONS of Lipids They WATERPROOF surfaces of animals, plants, and fruits- these are waxes! They INSULATE the body to maintain normal body temperature They produce hormones for the body called STERIODS They are a great source of ENERGY so we have it in the future. They CUSHION the internal organs for protection. THINK: Waterproof, insulate, steroids, energy, cushion… “WISE C”

13 Steroids Sex Steroids Anabolic Steroids Cholesterol
Testosterone, estrogen Anabolic Steroids Increase muscle Cholesterol

14 Examples of LIPIDS Oils, butter, and wax are all lipids
Cholesterol + other steroids Phospholipids

15 Examples of LIPIDS: Phospholipids
Hydrophilic or water-loving Head Group Hydrophobic or water-hating Tails CELL MEMBRANES are made of a double layer of phospholipids HYDROPHILIC head groups face outward and inward towards water HYDROPHOBIC fatty acid tails form core

16 QUICK CHECKS What are some examples of lipids in every day life?
Waxes, butter, oils, steroids

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