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Conspiracy Theories Research & Citation English 11 - Mrs. Detter

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1 Conspiracy Theories Research & Citation English 11 - Mrs. Detter
Mr. Sears Learning Resource Center Upper Valley Career Center


3 A current example … Pyramids Discovered in Antarctic!




7 Search the UVCC Learning Resource Center “CAT”alog



10 ARTICLE from an ANTHOLOGY / Part of a Book
Citing a Book 1. Author(s) “Article’s title.” Book’s name, 4. Editor (if any) Publisher, Publication date, 7. Page #s (if part of larger work). ENTIRE BOOK ARTICLE from an ANTHOLOGY / Part of a Book McLeish, Ewan. The Warren Commission Report. Rosen Central Publishing, 2009. Mishkin, Daniel. “Eyewitness”. The Warren Commission Report, edited by Ewan McLeish, Rosen Central Publishing, 2009, pp

11 INFOhio’s Electronic Resources – Use & Citation
ACCESS: all INFOhio resources are available at: Username: Password:

12 EBSCOhost (or other INFOhio Source)
Citing an INFOhio Database Article: EBSCOhost (or other INFOhio Source) Database Article 1. Author. 2. Title. 3. Title of container (self contained if book), 4. Other contributors (translators or editors), 5. Version (edition), 6. Number (vol. and/or no.), 7. Publisher, 8. Publication Date, 9. Location (pages, paragraphs and/or URL, DOI or permalink) nd container’s title, Other contributors, Version, Number, Publisher, Publication date, Location, 11. Date of Access (if applicable). Prothero, Donald R. "Chemtrail Fail." Skeptic, vol.19, no. 4, 2014, pp Points of View Reference Center, /login.aspx?direct=true&db=pwh&AN= &site=pov-live&authtype=cookie,ip,custuid&custid=infohio. Accessed 28 Nov

13 Internet Search Tips USE A SEARCH ENGINE YOU KNOW
Use KEY WORDS. Don’t Type SENTENCES! Put phrases in quotes to “lock together”. AND / OR / NOT jaguar -car -football –Jacksonville Read Summary of sites before clicking. KNOW THE TYPES OF WEBSITES .com = COMMERCIAL – someone is selling a product. .org = ORGANIZATION – a nonprofit information site. .gov = GOVERNMENT – site of state / local / federal agency .edu = EDUCATIONAL – a college or university site. = SCHOOL – a public k-12 school website.

14 Evaluating a Web Resource



17 Citing a website - ARTICLE IN A WEB SITE
1. Editor, author, or compiler name. 2. “Name of article.” 3. Name of Site. 4. Name of institution/organization affiliated with the site (sponsor or publisher), 5. Date of resource creation (if available), 6. URL, DOI or permalink. 7. Date of access (if applicable). Keith, David. “Chemtrails.” David Keith. Harvard University, Accessed 28 Nov


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