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Doors. Design features Security Durability Thermal insulation Aesthetics Accessibilitycomfortable access for all »Access to letter box »Access for some.

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Presentation on theme: "Doors. Design features Security Durability Thermal insulation Aesthetics Accessibilitycomfortable access for all »Access to letter box »Access for some."— Presentation transcript:

1 Doors

2 Design features Security Durability Thermal insulation Aesthetics Accessibilitycomfortable access for all »Access to letter box »Access for some one on crutches 950mm »Access for guide dog user 1100mm



5 Flush door Matchboarded door


7 Flush doors Honeycombed core paper/cardboard

8 Door Threshold

9 Threshold – access for everybody Level Entrance Ramp to level entrance maximum slope. 1:20 Drainage channel fitted beside threshold to assist rapid removal of rain water Reinforced concrete threshold – slope 15 degree max. Damp proof tray behind R.C. threshold threshold max. 15mm. high Reference; Building for Everyone, Inclusion Access and Use: National Disability Authority 2002

10 Head Detail

11 Threshold Seal Door frame seal

12 2006 Higher level Q1 (compulsory question) The main entrance to a dwelling house, provides access for a person in a wheelchair. The door opening is located in a 350mm external block wall with an insulated cavity and the door is a solid wooden door. The house has a solid concrete ground floor with a 20mm quarry tile finish. (a) To a scale of 1:5, draw a vertical section through the external wall and door, showing clearly the threshold and the door. The section should show all the constructional details from the bottom of the foundation to 300mm above finished floor level. (b) Indicate on the drawing the specific design detailing that ensures that rainwater is removed from the threshold area and does not penetrate to the inner surfaces surrounding the door.

13 Door Threshold

14 2011 Higher level Q1 (Compulsory Question)


16 Hanging a door Firstly the door frame is installed into the door ope. The frame is fixed to the blockwork with frame fixers A door frame consists of two side jambs and a head.

17 Hanging a door A door should be 3mm smaller than the ope. This is to allow for shrinking and swelling of the door. Once the door is swinging freely, locks and handles are fitted And architrave is added to the frame


19 Fire doors Fired doors are generally installed in public buildings and when access to house is possible from a garage. Fire doors are classed due to the length of time they provide protection. FD30 has a 30minute protection Fire doors are made from compressed mineral wool, plasterboard & particle board.

20 Accessibility Accessibility also takes in to consideration all uses of the door

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