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Policy in which a strong nation exerts power

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2 Policy in which a strong nation exerts power
Over a weaker nation……. A: Big Stick Policy B: Dollar Diplomacy C: Imperialism D: Guano

3 Imperialism

4 Why was Hawaii attractive to the United States,
geographically? A: Pretty women B: Sugar Plantations C: Great spot for a naval base D: Guano

5 Great spot for a naval base

6 Who did we purchase Alaska from???????
B: Guano Islands C: United States D: Russia

7 Russia

8 Where did Imperialism begin??????
United States B: Africa C: Europe D: United States of Guano

9 Europe

10 Which option is “not” a reason for Imperialsim?
Racial Superiority B: Political & military expansion C: Hatred of all ethnic groups D: Economic Expansion

11 Hatred of all ethnic groups

12 Which option is “not” a reason for
Anti-Imperialism? A: Islands are way too far away B: Cost C: Morally wrong D: Not enough guano

13 Islands are too far away

14 How are citizens of a territory protected by
their imperial nation? A: Military B: Voting rights C: They have to pay taxes D: They are protected by guano

15 military

16 Annexation……….. A: Kill B: Assimilate C: Take over D: Selling of guano

17 Take over

18 Natural resource on Hawaii that the Unite States
could profit from? A: Coffee B: sugar C: oil D: Guano caves

19 Sugar

20 What did Queen Lili want to remove?
Property qualifications to vote B: Foreign invaders C: Americans D: Piles of guano-stinky!

21 Property qualifications to vote

22 The Spanish-American War lasted…..
Two years B: Four months C: One week D: It’s still going on

23 Four months

24 The “Rough Riders” were a dominate force
lead by……………… A: Teddy Roosevelt B: FDR C: William McKinley D: Javier Guano jr.

25 Teddy Roosevelt

26 At the end of the war Puerto Rico
And Guam are named…… A: U.S. Territories B: States C: Allies D: World’s guano reserve

27 U.S. Territories

28 At the end of the war Cuba is given their Independence from………….
United States B: Hawaii C: Spain D: The Emperor of Guano

29 Spain

30 Spain gives the United States the Philippines
Islands for…………….. A: 20 million B: nothing C: Rights to oil reserves D: Bananas

31 20 million

32 Great Job!!!! Thank you for playing!

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