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December 12, 2011 Vocabulary Unit 7.

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1 December 12, 2011 Vocabulary Unit 7

2 The class agreed that most people abhor crimes that involve the injury of children.

3 abhor-(verb)to hate deeply
synonym- to detest, to despise

4 PS: New York rules! – Ms. LB 
Do you ever think Red Sox and Yankees’ fans will amend their relationship? PS: New York rules! – Ms. LB 

5 amend-(verb) to change for the better
Synonym-to improve, to modify

6 …not a buffet.

7 …and NOT Jimmy Buffet!

8 Harsh waves buffeted against the ship. Poor George Clooney!

9 buffet-(verb) to strike repeatedly; to drive or force with blows synonym-to batter

10 Chaos sometimes erupts as soon as teachers turn their backs for one moment! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

11 chaos-(noun) great confusion; disorder

12 Air passengers who fly first class enjoy commodious comforts.

13 commodious-(adjective) roomy; spacious
Synonym-ample; capacious

14 In science class, students must be wary of corrosive substances such as sulphuric acid.

15 corrosive-(adjective) eating away gradually
Synonym- acidlike

16 It is a jury’s job to discern the truth by carefully evaluating all the evidence presented at a trial.

17 discern-(verb) to see clearly, recognize by sight/smell
Synonym- to perceive, to detect

18 Paintings of animals in Spain’s Altamira caves are the oldest extant examples of Stone Age art.

19 extant-(adjective) still existing; not destroyed or lost synonym- surviving

20 The squirrel and the dog were implicated in the theft of school pencils!

21 implicate –(verb) to involve in; to connect with or be related to
Synonym-entangle, incriminate

22 The pirates searched for a place to inter their gold and treasure.

23 inter - (verb)to bury

24 At Keefe Tech Ms. Thompson is known as a martinet! (not really)

25 martinet- (noun) a strict disciplinarian
Synonym- a taskmaster Von Steuben, the martinet, trained Colonial soldiers during the American Revolution.

26 Ms. Lobue’s grandmother had an exterminator come to her house to obviate a bat problem in the attic! Ew!

27 obviate- (verb) to prevent; to remove
synonym-to ward off

28 Jesse James is a famed American renegade from the late 1800s.

29 renegade –(noun) one who leaves a group; a deserter, an outlaw

30 The pirate was forced to walk the plank in answer to his reprehensible acts.

31 reprehensible-(adjective) deserving blame or punishment
synonym-objectionable; blameworthy

32 The puppy is feeling somber because his owner forgot to feed him!

33 somber – (adjective) dark, gloomy; depressed in spirit

34 The television show “Hoarders” shows many people living in squalid conditions.

35 squalid –(adjective) filthy

36 The turbulent waters made it difficult to navigate the boat.

37 turbulent – (adj) disorderly, riotous; violent; stormy synonym-tumultuous

38 Ms. Lobue has a vociferous bull horn she uses with the drama club to communicate with the lighting crew.

39 vociferous –(adj) loud and noisy; compelling attention

40 William Shakespeare has a voluminous body of work comprised of plays and sonnets.

41 voluminous –(adj) of great size; numerous; writing or speaking at great length synonym- bulky, massive

42 Not this Wave…

43 Or this Wave…

44 It is highly recommend that you do not waive your right to vote!

45 waive – (verb) to do without, give up voluntarily

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