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Presentation on theme: "JOINT INSTITUTE FOR NUCLEAR RESEARCH"— Presentation transcript:

1 JOINT INSTITUTE FOR NUCLEAR RESEARCH Simulation of spallation and transmutation minor actinides in fast subcritical reactor apprentice: Przemysław Stanisław Stanisz supervisor: Aleksander Polański (LIT) DUBNA

2 Models and Codes Used for Simulations
MCNP (Monte Carlo N-Particle code) is developed by Los Alamos National Lab (LANL) to simulate the transport of neutrons, gamma rays and electrons by the Monte Carlo method. It simulates a coupled transport, i.e., it also accounts for transport of secondary particle resulting the interaction of primary particles. MCNPX (Monte Carlo N-Particle eXtended) extends the capacilties of MCNP to other particles (e.g. charged particles, heavy ions, pions etc.)  CINDER90 code and library to developed for the description of nuclide inventories produced in a wide range of radiation environments

3 The Spallation Proces Fast Direct Process: Compound Nuclei:
- Intra-Nuclear Cascade (nucleon-nucleon collisions) Compound Nuclei: - Evaporation (mostly neutrons) - High-Energy Fissions

4 Spallation Neutron Yield
Spallation Neutron Yield (mean multiplicity of emitted neutrons) The number of emitted neutrons varies as a function of the target nuclei and the energy of the incident particle L. Pienkowski, F. Goldenbaum, D. Hilscher, U. Jahnke Neutron multiplicity distributions for 1.94 to 5 GeV/c proton-, antiproton-, pion-, kaon-, and deuteron-induced spallation reactions on thin and thick targets

5 Spallation Neutron Spectrum
The spectrum of spallation neutrons evaporated from an excited heavy nucleus bombarded by high energy particles is similar to the fission neutron spectrum but shifts a little to higher energy

6 Spallation Product Distribution
The spallation product distribution varies as a function of the target material and incident proton energy. It has a very characteristic shape:

7 ADS geometry model Characteristics Destription
MeV 1000 protons, beam power 1,16MW Thermal fission power 100MW Diameter of the core. 520 [mm] Height of a fuel active part 630 [mm] Radius of lead reflector Number of the fuel elements in assembles 18 Number of fuel assembles 133 Maximal gain factor Keff=0,97 Heat-carrier helium Radius of concrete shielding 190 [cm] Max neutron flux 6.64E15 [cm2/s] ADS geometry model

8 FAST Reactor geometry model
Characteristics Destription Thermal fission power 100MW Diameter of the core. 520 [mm] Height of a fuel active part 780 [mm] Radius of lead reflector 520 mm Number of the fuel elements in assembles 18 Number of fuel assembles 153 Maximal gain factor Keff=1,1 Heat-carrier helium Radius of concrete shielding 190 cm Max neutron flux 6.64E15 [cm2/s]

9 Reactivity change in burnup cycle

10 ADS and Fast Reactor Neutron Spectra

11 Mass evolution of Plutonium

12 Mass evolution of Minor Actinide (MA)

13 Thank you for attention


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