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SUBMISSION TITLE Srinivas Munigala & Principal QA Engineer

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1 SUBMISSION TITLE Srinivas Munigala & Principal QA Engineer
Progress Software Pvt Ltd

2 Abstract Information is an asset for today’s organizations and individuals. Information may be less or more important and very often has a monetary value. The disclosure, improper modification, or unavailability of information may incur expenses (loss) or missed profits for the organization or the individual. Therefore, most organizations and individuals protect information to a certain extent. User identity and Authentication are the main security processes working together to provide access to assets in a controlled manner. Security testing is most trending and happening subject in IT. It is very important aspect of testing and tricky thing. Authentication and Authorization plays an vital role in security testing. This session gives complete understanding of Authentication and Authorization mechanisms that are available in application security, challenges in managing user identity in distributed environments and techniques to test them thoroughly.

3 Presentation Body

4 Agenda Overview of Application Security
Importance of Authentication and Authorization Different threats to A & A Enterprise user Identification and Authentication Challenges Different techniques to secure your credentials Testing tips for Sensitive Data Exposure

5 Overview - History We are working on these slides

6 Overview - Now We are working on these slides

7 Overview - Cost of data breach

8 Overview – Security in different layers
We are working on these slides

9 Overview – Security Types
Application Security Identity Management Authentication Authorization Connection and Data Security Confidentiality Integrity Trust We are working on these slides

10 Authentication and Authorization
We are working on these slides

11 Importance of Authentication and Authorization

12 Evaluation of A & A password Hardware tokens Software Tokens
Single-sign-on Federated We are working on these slides

13 Enterprise user Identification and Authentication Challenges
Yet to prepare slides

14 Different threats to A & A
Bypassing Authentication Default Passwords Password Guessing Sniffing Credentials off the Network Replaying Authentication Session Hijacking Downgrading Authentication Strength

15 Different techniques to secure your credentials
Secret Algorithm Secret Key Protection Keys Data Encryption Standard (DES / 3DES) Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) RC4 RSA Encryption Algorithm Encryption Message Integrity Code (MIC) Message Authentication Code (MAC) Data Integrity Yet to prepare slides

16 Authentication Testing Techniques – Areas to look into
Data in rest and in transit Default credentials Lock out mechanism Bypassing authentication Remember password functionality Browser cache Password change /reset Yet to prepare slides

17 Use Case 1 - Sensitive Data Exposure
Threat Agents Data at rest Data in transit Data in browsers Attack Vectors Steal Keys Man-in-the-middle attacks Steal clear text Security Weakness Clear text Old / Weak algorithm Weak crypto keys Tools Wireshark Fiddler Yet to prepare slides

18 Wireshark sample output for sensitive data

19 Use Case 2 - Broken Authentication and Session Management
Threat Agents Anonymous Users with their accounts Attack Vectors Flaws in authentication Flaws in session management Security Weakness Log out Password management Timeouts Tools Burp Suite Jmeter Yet to prepare slides

20 References & Appendix

21 Author Biography Srinivas Munigala is a Principal Engineer at Progress Software Pvt Ltd, has working experience on different Progress products and has been associated with OpenEdge AppServer for last 7 years. He has good knowledge of Classic AppServer and its related Adapters (AIA, WSA, REST, sonicMQ and sonicESB), hands-on experience on developing ABL, REST and SOAP applications. His recent interests involve Security in AppServers and OpenEdge products where he did lot of exploration on SSL protocols, ciphers and authentication mechanisms.

22 Thank You!!!

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