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Trimming Nails How do you know how much to take off?

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Presentation on theme: "Trimming Nails How do you know how much to take off?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Trimming Nails How do you know how much to take off?
By Mrs. Salvati

2 How do you know how much to trim your nails?

3 Trimming Nails Goal – cut the nails as short as possible without cutting the kwik Purpose: Prevent broken nails Allow animal to walk on pads of feet and not their nails Minimize physical damage to property, humans and other animals Trim ingrown nails

4 How often should I cut my pets nails?
Every 4-6 weeks depending on how fast they grow.

5 Restraint for TNT Animal standing Animal in lateral recumbency

6 Anatomy There are 4 nails plus a dewclaw on the inside of leg
Nail - can be white or black Quick (kwik) – pink part. Can only be seen on white nails. Leave a little bit of white when cutting nails Black nails – unable to see quick. Trim so that you do not cut Kwik but nail is not touching the ground

7 Dewclaws Dewclaws – Thumbnail on inside of front legs.
Sometimes there are dews on inside of back legs also Occasionally cats have 2-3 dewclaws

8 Nail Clippers

9 Nail Clippers How to Clip Nails: 1 – Have all materials ready
-kwik stop 2 – Hold nail steady with 2 fingers 3 – Push all hair out of way and locate kwik 4- Place blade against bottom of nail where you want to cut and angle clippers foward 5-Close nail clippers in one quick motion 6- Check for bleeding 7- Apply kwik stop if bleeding 8- Repeat to all nails

10 How to apply Styptic Powder (cauterizing agent – stops bleeding)
Take a small pinch of powder In your pointer and thumb Apply to tip of nail Hold and apply for Pressure for seconds

11 Disorders Overgrown Nail Broken nail Back leg dewclaws

12 How much do I cut?

13 Safety Always have someone restrain dog before you touch paws. (very sensitive area) Observe animals body language as you are handling animal Do not get your skin caught in the toe nail trimmer

14 Name: ________________
1.What is the goal of toe nail trimming? ______________________________________________________________________ Where is the dewclaw located? _______ ___________________________________ What does Styptic powder do? _______ Where should you cut the nail? __________________________________________________________________

15 Draw a line where you should cut nail.

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