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Privilege & Poverty Addison County Internships

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1 Privilege & Poverty Addison County Internships

2 The Mission Since 2005, Middlebury College has participated in the SHECP – Shepherd Higher Education Consortium on Poverty – national summer internship program SHECP internships are with agencies that seek to work alongside vulnerable populations The Center for Community Engagement began a parallel internship program in Addison County for students to better understand issues of economic inequality in our local community

3 The Intent Middlebury College recruits students to support local organizations in their work regarding poverty-related issues The internships are collaborative opportunities for students to integrate course-work with meaningful civic engagement Interns engage with issues such as housing security, food security and accessibility, domestic violence, sexual assault, youth outreach, affordable healthcare, interpretation, and more

4 “It’s introducing Middlebury students who are in the college bubble to the community and giving them a chance to interact with the community…they see a whole different slice of Middlebury they might otherwise not have seen, it’s phenomenal.” Vicky Wideman, Associate Director of Food Programs and Administration at the Charter House Coalition

5 Local Organizations HOPE John Graham Shelter
Helping Overcome Poverty’s Effects HOPE’s mission is to improve the lives of low income people in Addison County, Vermont by working with individuals to identify and secure the resources needed to meet their basic needs Internship position: Services Assistant John Graham Shelter John Graham’s philosophy embraces the view that all people deserve to receive housing as quickly as possible Offers housing, apartments, and services, including counseling and aftercare until people are permanently housed and truly back on their feet Internship position: Shelter Assistant

6 Local Organizations Cont’d
Charter House Coalition Charter House is dedicated to providing housing and food to those in need Collaborates with other service providers in the area with the objectives of eradicating homelessness, providing safe and stable housing for families, and ensuring that everyone in the community has enough to eat Internship position: Gardening and Community Meals Intern WomenSafe WomenSafe serves people across the gender spectrum who experience sexual violence, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking Provide crisis intervention, problem-solving assistance, safety planning and emotional support Internship position: Advocate

7 Local Organizations Cont’d
Mary Johnson Children’s Center Mary Johnson believes in making visible and giving voice to the rich potential and talent of children, and in the right of all children to have an environment where this talent and potential is respected and nourished Guiding principles: to emphasize child-centered growth and development—physically, socially, emotionally and cognitively—and respect individual needs Internship position: Rural Fun Delivery Program Manager Open Door Clinic Open Door Clinic provides access to quality healthcare services, free of charge, to those who are uninsured or under-insured Services are provided in a compassionate, respectful, and culturally sensitive manner until a permanent healthcare provider can be established Internship position: Bilingual Support

8 How Do I Learn More? Summer Timeline Internship Benefits
Application Procedure

9 Logistics Monday, June 4th – Friday, August 10th
Interns will work 35 hours/week for 10 weeks Funding: $10.82 x 35 h/w x 10 wks = $3,787 2 Tormondsen fund grants are available for students receiving financial aid On-campus summer housing is available Follow up with Student Employment for more information Interns are required to meet Wednesdays from 8-9:15am for weekly discussions at the CCE Charter House provides interns with free housing and some meals

10 Handshake Application
Go/Handshake Find 6 summer internship opportunities by searching “Privilege and Poverty” in the job postings Apply via Handshake Apply to each internship that you are interested in Only students returning in the Fall are eligible to apply Upload a Word document indicating the name(s) of the person(s) writing your letter(s) Have your letter(s) ed to Tiffany Sargent at Give your recommenders ample time to submit their letter Handshake Application

11 Important Dates Info Sessions
Tuesday, February 27th at 5pm in the CCE Living Room Wednesday, February 28th at 4pm in the AFC Application Deadline Wednesday, March 7th at 11:59pm Interview at Host Site Between Thursday, March 8th and Friday, March 16th Interview at the CCE Tuesday, March 21 Internship Monday, June 4th – Friday, August 10th

12 Questions? Explore go/addisoncountyintern
Contact Rachel Roseman at Questions?

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