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Presentation on theme: "INTERNSHIP 2018."— Presentation transcript:


2 Internship Hours: You must work a minimum of 20 hours in any given week and can only work a maximum of 45 hours a week. Students are required to work 14 consecutive weeks and a total of 560 hours. If there is any disruption to your internship, you need to contact me asap. I can assist you in problem solving any situation to prevent you from possibly not having to start your hours over. Each week runs Monday through Sunday with all reports and time entries due by midnight Sunday

3 Keeping up with your internship hours
It is important that we are on the same page when it comes to your hours. Remember lunch breaks or breaks don't count towards your hours. A helpful website in maintaining your hours is: Sloppy time logs will result in a deduction of points

4 Internship Paperwork   Daily Reports: These reports are to turned into Tk20. Please type the report as one document in a 1 Word file and then upload the file. Follow the format answering the following questions for each day worked. Activities-What specific activities have you been involved/facilitated this week? Describe your experience and relate it to a specific NCTRC Job Task Domain. Table #2 Theory to Practice- What TR Professional Knowledge Domains have you completed? How? Table #3 (Domain title / # and description of how you accomplished task) Challenges / Issues encountered-During this week, what has been the most challenging part of the internship? Thoughtful analysis of this week in a narrative note.

5 Once you have completed half of your internship hours (280), you can do a weekly report instead of a daily report. Each report will be evaluated on its thoroughness, correct writing competencies (grammar, spelling, etc.), thoughtfulness, evidence of critical evaluation, detail, and neatness. Late reports will result in a deduction in points awarded.

6 Mid-Term and Final Evaluations
Mid-term and Final evaluations are assigned a value based on the intern advisors subjective assessment of the site supervisor’s comments and ratings. It is the intern's responsibility to assure timely submission of evaluations. Halfway through your internship (280 hours) you should submit your mid-term evaluation and at the completion of your hours you should submit your final evaluation.

7 Resource File Your file should have information that you collect during your internship. This can include examples of blank documents (keep HIPPA in mind), information pamphlets, resources for activities, calendars, etc… Your file will be evaluated on elements of organization, relevancy, depth and diversity of information, completeness of coverage, and overall quality. It is to be submitted on the day of the presentation unless otherwise specified, or approved, by the University Supervisor.

8 Final Seminar Presentation
Evaluation will be based on organization, quality of presentation, and creativity. Follow the format on the following page for your board presentation


10 Tk20 - required textbook Website: You will need to purchase Tk20 at a minimum 2 weeks prior to starting your internship Student Account Activation: To activate your Tk20 account you will need to subscribe to Tk20 either by purchasing a Student Access Kit from Barnes & Noble at Southern Miss or through the link on the Tk20 page. Activation usually takes 2-3 business days. Logins for Southern Miss Students: Please use your SOAR login and password to access Tk20. The "forgot password" will not work for you because your login is associated with the campus login system. If you do not have a password or forgot your password, please contact the iTech Help Desk at (601)

11 Signing in: Username: w(000000) PW: (soar password)

12 Select the following under “pending tasks”

13 TIME LOG -click “time log” tab

14 To enter new time log data, click this link

15 Click the plus symbol each time you would like to add a day to the week

16 Choose the correct week from the dropdown box

17 After entering your start time, break start and end time, and end time for the day, total the hours in the far right box for each day worked. Use app if you need help adding daily time

18 Hit “calculate” at the top
Hit “calculate” at the top. This will total your time at the bottom of the time log.

19 Click “Update”

20 -Click “Save.” -DO NOT click “Submit” until you have completed ALL hours at the end of internship.

21 WEEKLY REPORTS click “weekly reports” tab

22 Choose “Select” next to the week you are submitting.

23 Select Week #

24 Click “select files” to upload document from your computer

25 Select “Add.”

26 This will add it to the column, but it will still read as “not submitted”

27 Click “Submit” at bottom of the page

28 Choose the correct weekly report to be turned in

29 Click “Submit” at the bottom of the box. Then click “OK”
** so you DO click “submit” every time for Weekly Reports but do NOT click “submit” for Time Log

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