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Engage evening How can pupils revise more effectively?

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Presentation on theme: "Engage evening How can pupils revise more effectively?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Engage evening How can pupils revise more effectively?
How can you support your child with revision? Mr. P. Caden Lee Lane East Horsforth Leeds LS18 5RF (0113) Headteacher: Dr P Bell

2 TIMINGS 6:05 to 6:25 Presentation in the hall 6:30 to 6:45 Session 1

3 Revision Sessions This Evening
Using ICT to support revision with Mrs Wright in RE2 Hegarty Maths with Mrs Comiskey in ELC Flashcards with Mr Caden in G3 Habits for revision with Mr Swinney in RE1 “To learn from the book close the book” Mr Hood in JB4 Specific concerns with Mr. Strongman in the library

4 Challenges Move to linear exams. Increased demand. Amount of content. “How am I supposed to remember all that?”

5 Knowledge is power! Exam Success Practice makes permanent
Engagement for Learning Commitment to learning Exam Success Seek and accept help and support Regular Attendance

6 The battle against forgetting

7 Very high parental interest is associated with better exam results than for children whose parents show no interest. (NCDS 1999) Parental interest in their child’s education is the single most powerful predictor of achievement at age 16. (Attainment in secondary school report, Feinstein and Symons) It is the ‘at-home’ relationships and modelling of aspirations which play a major part in impact of school outcomes. (Desforges 2003) Why? Pupils’ achievement in the schools where the impact of parental involvement was outstanding had clearly improved (Ofsted 2007) Research shows you are incredibly important in supporting your childs learning. We want to support you and for us to work together. We all want the same thing, the best for your son and daughter. Parents to blame for science and maths skills gap because they put children off the subjects, industry leader warns David Lakin, IET 2018

8 Revision Matters With regular, well planned revision starting now, your son or daughter will achieve and exceed their target grades Without regularly revisiting their work, they will not perform to the best of their abilities. Key to successful revision: Right conditions – Quiet? Music? Water? No TV & No FB! Well planned revision timetable – no last minute panics. Regular breaks – still plan time for hobbies. Incentives – rewards are allowed.

9 Netflix Please refer to booklet for suggested list of documentaries

10 National GCSE performance

11 The power of reading “……girls read more than boys. Reading proficiency is the basis upon which all other learning is built. When boys don’t do well at reading, their performance in other school subjects suffers too.” Books for the reluctant reader Books for the proficient reader

12 Revising / Practising / learning
What doesn’t work Reading . Highlighting texts. Making/copying notes.

13 Revision Short bursts with breaks. Self quiz- make the brain work
Flash cards Focus on areas of weakness- identified from previous tests.

14 Knowledge organisers

15 Science reach for 100 25. What is an element?
A pure substance made up of only one atom type? 26. What is a compound? A pure substance made up of two or more atoms chemically bonded. 27. What does the chemical symbol CO2 represent? One carbon atom and two oxygen atoms 28. What does the chemical symbol H2O represent? Two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom

16 Diagnosis: Do a booklet and identify a weakness
OR Use teacher feedback or RAG analysis from previous exam Testing: Has it worked? Flash cards, GCSE pod, Hegarty maths Corbett maths SAM learning BBC bitesize Therapy: Do the activity: Flash cards, GCSE pod, Past paper, Mindmap, SAM Learning etc.

17 Revision Sessions This Evening
Using ICT to support revision with Mrs Wright in RE2 Hegarty Maths with Mrs Comiskey in ELC Flashcards with Mr Caden in G3 Habits for revision with Mr Swinney in RE1 “To learn from the book close the book” Mr Hood in JB4 Specific concerns with Mr. Strongman in the library

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