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Presentation on theme: "AMAZING WORLD OF AKIANE,"— Presentation transcript:

CHILD PRODIGY PART.2 Richard Clayderman Murmures FOR YOU :50:08

2 Love Age 13 (2008)

3 Footsteps Of Eternity

4 Love Is Never Alone

5 Wonder Age 13 (2008)

6 In The Studio Age 14 (2009)

7 Flow Of Life

8 Red Valley

9 Enlightenment

10 Cascades

11 Inseperable Age 15 (2010)

12 The First

13 Enchantment Of Childhood,

14 Symphony

15 Rebirth

16 Possibilities

17 Young Sage Age 15 (2010)

18 Bouquet Age 16 (2010)

19 The Swing

20 Barefoot

21 Labrynth

22 Water Angel

23 Open Door

24 Metamorphosis

25 Spiritual Flow

26 The Code

27 Time

28 Akiane's unique story rapidly circled all continents receiving top media coverage.
The interest in Akiane has reached unprecedented proportions, with over 200 published art works, 800 literary creations, two published best selling books and numerous publications. She was featured on hundreds of radio shows, documentaries such as Miracle Detectives, Superhuman Geniuses, Indigo and prime-time TV such as Oprah Winfrey Show, World News Tonight, Good Morning America, Glen Beck Show/CNN, The View, Fox News, Montel Williams Show, Late Late Show, Lou Dobbs Show/CNN, Wayne Brady Show, Hour of Power, Supreme Master Television, TBN, Extreme Prophetic/Canada, Record Television/Brazil, etc. Click

29 Many of the world's leaders, royalty, scientists, media, CEOs, entrepreneurs, and celebrities have been acquainted with Akiane's art or collecting it. Her solo art exhibitions have been held in museums, auctions, galleries, embassies, private mansions, universities, institutes, monasteries, churches, hotels and corporations across the world. To see Akiane's originals of such rare substance, vision, ambiance and technical virtuosity is a life changing experience for hundreds of art collectors, investors and enthusiasts who have been flowing into her gallery inspired by her genius. Usual solo art exhibitions and book signings attract thousands waiting in line for hours to meet "the wunderkind". Considered an international treasure—the crown jewel of the world's finest art, Akiane's masterpieces represent a rare opportunity to see one of the world's most enchanted and mysterious paintings. Click

30 Akiane - geniul unui copil "indigo"
Oare câte fiinţe extraordinare s-au încarnat în aceste vremuri de cumpănă? Privind la trecătorii de pe stradă, la somnul majorităţii oamenilor, parcă nu îţi vine să crezi că suntem în apropierea aşa-numitei Epoci de Aur a umanităţii. Şi totuşi, din loc în loc, printre „ştirile de la ora cinci”, telenovelele siropoase şi manelele „conlocuitoare”, mai ajung la noi şi informaţii despre fiinţe venite, parcă, dintr-un alt timp şi dintr-un alt spaţiu, pentru a ne umple sufletul de frumos, pentru a ne aduce mângâiere şi speranţă... În această categorie se înscrie şi Akiane... Geniul acestei fetiţe a uimit milioane de oameni din întreaga lume (se pare că mai puţin la noi; informaţii despre ea se găsesc doar pe câteva siteuri). Ţinând cont de înzestrările excepţionale ale acestui copil, putem să o încadrăm, fără rezerve, în categoria „copiilor indigo”.. De asemenea, merită să intraţi pe siteul ei ca să îi admiraţi toate picturile: Daniel Roxin Click

31 T H E E N D JULY 03,2011

32 Visionné chez Pour en voir plus cliquez ici


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