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Tyniesha Brown CSC Ambassadors Saturday Preview

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Presentation on theme: "Tyniesha Brown CSC Ambassadors Saturday Preview"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tyniesha Brown CSC Ambassadors Saturday Preview
Wilson Lee Heres Tyniesha Brown CSC Ambassadors Saturday Preview

2 Who am I? Tyniesha Brown Junior Technical Communications Major
IST and Graphic Design Minor Secretary of NSBE Vice President of the Iota Sigma Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.

3 Background Wilson Lee Heres Roswell, Ga B.A. CSC

4 Extracurricular Activities
Football Intramural Official Intramural Supervisor

5 Influential Professor
Dr. Andy Digh Direct quote: “He is always available to help out and a great teacher. I learned a lot of Dr. Digh’s classes.”

6 Accomplishments All-Conference in Football
Outstanding Senior in Intramurals

7 Where is he now? Macon, Ga Software Engineer at MERC Currently working on an augmented reality application for the Microsoft Hololens

8 Freshman Advice “You’re going to have to love solving logic problems and math.” “Use Google and Stack Overflow.” “Do some coding every day.” “Have a personal project.”

9 Why Mercer? “I love pretty much everything about Mercer. It seems to get better and better every year. Go Bears!”

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