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Dr. Katharine Jones

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1 Dr. Katharine Jones


3 Business and Migration Roundtables for Collective Action
UK -London - April 2010 Mauritius - February 2011 Bangladesh - Dhaka - June 2011 India – Delhi - March 2012

4 3D Principles for safe migration
Dirty - Demeaning - Dangerous Decency of work Dignity of the individual Due diligence of process


6 An overarching set of human rights principles for the responsible recruitment and employment of migrant workers From recruitment through employment to return

7 Foundational Principle A
Equal treatment and non-discrimination Migrant workers should not be treated less favourably than other workers performing the same / similar work, and should not be subject to any discrimination that would constitute a violation of human rights. Foundational Principle B The protection of law Migrant workers should have a legally recognised employment relationship with an identifiable and legitimate employer in the country where the work is performed.

8 No fees charged to workers
Clarity and transparency of worker contracts Inclusive policies and procedures Non retention of passports and identity documents Regular direct and timely payment

9 Worker Representation
Safe and decent conditions of work Safe and decent living conditions Access to remedy Safe and timely return guaranteed

10 EC Sector Guidance for Employment & Recruitment Agencies


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