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Welcome 6th Graders! Pick your seat for now….

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome 6th Graders! Pick your seat for now…."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome 6th Graders! Pick your seat for now…

2 About Me Middle grades Math & Science teacher since 2007
Happy Husband and Father of 4 Co-host YCI club with Mrs Merritt I made a game company Twice Alive Games Why I teach

3 Inspiring Learners and Empowering Leaders
BMS Vision Inspiring Learners and Empowering Leaders

4 Leader in Me 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens 7. Sharpen the Saw®
5. Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood® 1. Be Proactive® 2. Begin with the End in Mind® 3. Put First Things First® 4. Think Win-Win® 6. Synergize® 7. Sharpen the Saw® Leader in Me 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens

5 Dyer Class Mission To learn how to be the best at whatever we do. We will accomplish this by: Respect the expectations Modeling success Asking questions Leaving no one behind

6 Expectations Raise your hand before you Speak or Move
Choose your words and tone carefully Compete only with yourself

7 Consequences 1st offense warning/ reminder
2nd hall conference/ Signature 3rd offense isolation/bounce and call home 4th offense office referral

8 Misc Emergency Plan Lunch/PA 10:47-11:37 Lunch Tutoring mon
Bathroom sign out & etiquette Locker time B4 school, B4 electives, B4 blue Materials Pencils, Binder, Agenda Binder organization (ToC)

9 Group Work Principle Investigator - Leader/ teacher liaison
Material Director Retrieve and put away materials Maintenance Manager – Clean up Chief Order Protector Time Keeper/ On task chief importance in science, Group will be changed after each unit, Roles will rotate Group work rubric

10 Save Fred! Use group roles and model ToC in binder

11 “Blind-Folding” Close your eyes no talking
Fold your scrap paper in half Tear off upper right corner Fold in half again Tear off upper left corner I gave the same directions to everyone and yet almost everyone produced a different result. Did you do anything wrong? Was I unclear in what I said? People work and learn in different ways. But if we want the SAME outcome we must be proactive by asking questions for clarification.

12 Sponge Ball Superpower Favorite Myth Vacation Food Alien Encounter
Movie Any Pet Tomb Stone Movie Monster Animal Favorite Myth Food Genie Wish Character Superhero Million $ Grow up

13 Find your Critter Do NOT Speak
Flip your card over (don’t show your card to anyone) Make the noise of your critter to find your species Stress on effective communication in order to come together, we need to be speaking the same “language”, you need to know who you are and what you do to be able to work together

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