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States of Consciousness

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1 States of Consciousness
AP Psychology States of Consciousness Essential Task 5-11: Discuss drug dependence, addiction, tolerance, and withdrawal. Logo Green is R=8 G=138 B= Blue is R= 0 G=110 B=184 Border Grey is R=74 G=69 B=64

2 Perceptual Constancies
Sensation Vision The Eye Theories Hearing The Ear Other Senses Smell Taste Pain Gestalt Principles Perceptual Constancies Perception Basic Principles Visual Illusions Depth Perception

3 Altered States of Consciousness
Stages/REM Circadian Rhythm Disorders Hidden Observer Actor Sleep Dreams Hypnosis Meditation We are here Waking Consciousness Daydreaming and Fantasy Altered States of Consciousness Drug-Altered Consciousness Substance Abuse Stimulants Depressants Hallucinogens

4 Essential Task 5-11: Outline Dependence Addiction Tolerance Withdrawal

5 Substance Use and Abuse
Using a substance but it does not yet interfere with a person’s life Substance Abuse Pattern of drug use that diminishes one’s ability to fulfill responsibilities May result in repeated use in dangerous situations May lead to legal difficulties related to drug use

6 Substance Use and Abuse
Dependence Compulsive use of a substance Also known as addiction Can be physical, psychological or both Withdrawal After addiction, physical discomfort when the substance is stopped Tolerance More substance is required to obtain the original effect

7 Dependence (4 of the following 7 symptoms)
Developing a tolerance Experiencing withdrawal Using substance for a longer period or in greater quantities than intended Presence of a desire or repeated attempts to cut back on use Spending a lot of time using/obtaining the substance Reduction or cessation of usual activities Continued use despite awareness of drug’s harmful effects

8 Dependence Psychological addiction is a psychological need to use a drug, particularly for relieving mental stress and negative emotions. Physical addiction is the need for a drug to alleviate physical pain. When the drug is discontinued, there are several withdrawal symptoms.

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