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Presentation on theme: "OFFICIAL CORRESPONDENCE"— Presentation transcript:

Formal layout

2 Layout variety and strict rules
Sender‘s address Telephone, fax, Department/dept Reference/Ref: Addressee: name, surname, address Date

3 Opening address Optional, obligatory Dear Mrs/Mr Dear Dr Sir/Madam
To whom it may concern

4 Para 1 Reasons for writing, e.g. Previous correspondence
Questions, queries Requests for information Complaints+ reminders suggestions

5 Para 2/3: Elaboration Summary and proposals
Fuller explanation of the points mentioned in para. 1 Summary and proposals Dates, times, arrangements

6 Para 5/6: Rounding off Should you require any further information, please Any further queries should be addressed to I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience A swift reply would be greatly appreciated (fax)

7 Concluding greetings, signing off
With our thanks in advance Please, accept, Dear Sir, the assurances of my … yours sincerely/truly/, Sincerely yours – suitable for most formal occasions With best wishes, Best

8 Addition aspects to be considered
The cultural tradition of the addressee related to : formality Esp. When addressing and greeting The communication channel


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