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Community Investment Process

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Presentation on theme: "Community Investment Process"— Presentation transcript:

1 Community Investment Process
Child Well – Being Community Investment Process Site Visit Organization Name

2 Site Visit Agenda/Expectations
Agenda Item Estimated Time 1. United Way Team Huddle 5 minutes 2. Welcome, Introductions and Purpose of Visit 3 minutes 3. Program Presentation 10 minutes Agencies will provide a brief overview of their program. 4. Volunteer Questions and Answers 40 minutes Questions will be structured around the main components of the applicable Funding Application. 5. Closing 2 minutes 6. United Way Team Debrief 30 minutes Total 90 Minutes Program tours (optional) 20 minutes Tours should allow volunteers an opportunity to see where the program operates and, when possible, to see the program in action.

3 Organization Management / Board Involvement

4 Program Quality and Program Operations

5 Measurement & Results Based Accountability

6 Program Budget


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