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Communist Party Nathan Orlando, Chris Federlein, Josh Tomaszewski, Alyssa Agosta, Jacqueline Miller.

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Presentation on theme: "Communist Party Nathan Orlando, Chris Federlein, Josh Tomaszewski, Alyssa Agosta, Jacqueline Miller."— Presentation transcript:

1 Communist Party Nathan Orlando, Chris Federlein, Josh Tomaszewski, Alyssa Agosta, Jacqueline Miller

2 What is communism? It is a minor party Communism is a political and economic system in which the major productive resources in society

3 Elected Officials in Michigan & the US Government
In the state of michigan there are currently no elected officials out of the party communism However they have had officials in michigan in the past John bachtell is the chairmen of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA)

4 Historical Background
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels founded Communism (1848) Created The Communist Manifesto Tried ending Capitalism Came from the Latin word communis Most forms are based off Marxism

5 More History Adopted by many continents
Russia adopted communism in 1917 Stalin strengthened the USSR with it Often thought as socialism Russia was first country to seize power

6 The Communist Stance on Guns
No official stance Supports 2nd amendment rights Supports common sense restrictions Does not want bans Seek peaceful revolution without guns

7 Communist Stance on Immigration
Communists want rights for immigrants Working for rights in America for immigrants Want all restrictions on immigration repealed Help protect immigrants Involved in movement to win a reform of U.S. immigration laws

8 Views on abortion Womans right to chose
Unplanned pregnancy can cause health problems Lack of health care causes problems with the child and the mother Small communities get lack of care Unplanned pregnancy can push Unstable economic situations

9 Countries Who Adopted Communism
Past: Armenia Azerbaijan Belarus Estonia Georgia Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Latvia Lithuania Moldova Russia Tajikistan Turkmenistan Ukraine Uzbekistan Afghanistan Cambodia Mongolia Yemen And many many more. Current: China Laos Cuba North Korea Vietnam

10 Impact Communism had on the U.S.
Communism has had disastrous effects Causes productivity to decline It destroys liberty between economies Caused the Red Scare in the 1940’s and 50’s Americans feared everyone was a communist

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