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Copyright 2011 - Pierre M. Eade. These things says He who is holy, He who is true, He who has the key of David, He who opens and no one shuts, and shuts.

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Presentation on theme: "Copyright 2011 - Pierre M. Eade. These things says He who is holy, He who is true, He who has the key of David, He who opens and no one shuts, and shuts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Copyright 2011 - Pierre M. Eade

2 These things says He who is holy, He who is true, He who has the key of David, He who opens and no one shuts, and shuts and no one opens. (Revelation 3:7) Copyright 2011 - Pierre M. Eade

3 Split (Acts 15:36-41) Timothy (Acts 16:1-5) Macedonian Call (Acts 16:6-10) Lydia saved (Acts 16:11-15) Imprisoned (Acts 16:16-24) Jailer Saved (Acts 16:25-34) Released (Acts 16:35-40) Copyright 2011 - Pierre M. Eade

4 How to respond when God closes a door? How to respond when God opens a door? How to see more open doors in my life? How to know the doors to walk through? Copyright 2011 - Pierre M. Eade

5 An opportunity lost A relationship that ends A trip that is disrupted A heart that is closed A season that ends A plan that is spoiled Have you ever been there? Copyright 2011 - Pierre M. Eade

6 Disappointed? Discouraged? Angry? Frustrated? Nervous? Sad? Hopeless? How do you feel when the doors of life close? Copyright 2011 - Pierre M. Eade

7 The Right Response Acts 16:6-8 The Wrong Response Acts 16:18-22 The Right Response Acts 16:23-25 How do you respond when the doors of life close? Copyright 2011 - Pierre M. Eade

8 Discern the source (1 Corinthians 16:9) Dont Resist the Holy Spirit (Acts 7:51) Keep moving forward (Philippians 3:14) forbidden by the Holy Spirit (v.6) Copyright 2011 - Pierre M. Eade

9 The Right Response Acts 16:6-7 The Wrong Response Acts 16:18-22 The Right Response Acts 16:23-25 How do you respond when the doors of life close? Copyright 2011 - Pierre M. Eade

10 Manipulation (Acts 16:19) Anger, Revenge (Acts 16:19) Fret, Worry (Psalm 37:8) Blaming or Condemning (Luke 6:37) Depression, Despair (Jonah 4:8) Giving up (Galatians 6:9) they seized Paul and Silas (Acts 16:19) Copyright 2011 - Pierre M. Eade

11 IMMATURITYMATURITY 012345678910 Copyright 2011 - Pierre M. Eade

12 The Right Response Acts 16:6-7 The Wrong Response Acts 16:18-22 The Right Response Acts 16:23-25 How do you respond when the doors of life close? Copyright 2011 - Pierre M. Eade

13 they threw them into prison (v.23) Put Hope in God (Psalm 43:5) Seek God wholeheartedly (Psalm 119:10) Trust God has a plan (Proverbs 3:5,6) Copyright 2011 - Pierre M. Eade

14 How to respond when God opens a door? Copyright 2011 - Pierre M. Eade

15 Nervous? Unsure? Afraid? Worried? Hesitant? How do you feel when the doors of life open? Copyright 2011 - Pierre M. Eade

16 Lydias heart was open to the Lord (v.14) Lydias entire household is saved(v.15) Lydia showed great hospitality (v.15,40) Opened the prison doors (v.26) Opened the jailers heart (v.30) Jailers entire family comes to faith (v.34) Released from prison (v.39) Copyright 2011 - Pierre M. Eade

17 immediately we sought to go to Macedonia.(v.10) Respond to Gods promptings Receive the blessings God has for you So she persuaded us. (v.15) all the doors were opened (v.26) Realize God is working all around you Copyright 2011 - Pierre M. Eade

18 How to see more open doors in my life? Copyright 2011 - Pierre M. Eade

19 Lydia is immediately used by God. The Jailer is restored to a place of hope Be open to the Lord. Be Persistent in Prayer. we went to prayer (v.13, 16) praying and singing hymns to God (v.25) Be A Fisher of (Wo)men. sat down and spoke to the women (v.13) Copyright 2011 - Pierre M. Eade

20 he took him and circumcised him because of the Jews who were in the region… (v.3) Be Prepared Be willing to serve. they…entered the house of Lydia (v.40) Be faithful with what you have today! faithful over a few…make(s) you ruler of over many things. (Matthew 25:23) Copyright 2011 - Pierre M. Eade

21 How to know which doors to walk through? ?? ? Copyright 2011 - Pierre M. Eade


23 Seek Wise Counsel we sought to go to Macedonia, concluding that the Lord had called us to preach the gospel to them. (Acts 16:10) Copyright 2011 - Pierre M. Eade

24 Avoid Seeking Ungodly Counsel Paul, greatly annoyed, turned and said to the spirit, I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her. (Acts 16:18) Fortune-telling, Witchcraft, Divination, Horoscopes, Omens, Casting Spells, Wizards, Consulting the dead, Sorcery. (Deuteronomy 18:10-14) Copyright 2011 - Pierre M. Eade

25 Seek the Lord daily !! Gods will is not a formula to solve, but a relationship to develop with the Trinity. Gods will is discovered one day at a time as we seek to follow Him. Copyright 2011 - Pierre M. Eade

26 10 years 5 years 1 year 6 months 3 months TODAY! Next week Copyright 2011 - Pierre M. Eade

27 Today Father, I turn from the way I have been living and I give my life to you. Forgive me for all my sins and all the ways I have fallen short of your desire for my life. Come into my life Lord Jesus. Fill me with Your Spirit as I begin this new spiritual journey. Teach me how to live now with You at the center of my life. In Jesus Name. Amen Copyright 2011 - Pierre M. Eade

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