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Bracknell Forest Community Learning Team

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Presentation on theme: "Bracknell Forest Community Learning Team"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bracknell Forest Community Learning Team
Story Writing Bracknell Forest Community Learning Team Val Redford February 2018 Year 1

2 Today we will : Learn more about the writing process and how it is taught in schools Look at ways to support your child Prepare a resource –A Story Pot Create a story together using these and other resources

3 Writing Transcription -Spelling and Handwriting
Composition- Articulating ideas and structuring them in speech and writing

4 Writing in Year 1 Transcription Composition
Spelling - words containing the taught phonemes and common exception words -days of the week Naming letters of the alphabet Using Prefixes -un Suffixes –s –es Handwriting- forming letters and digits correctly Composition Composing sentences orally before writing Sequencing sentences to form short narratives Re-reading to check it makes sense Discuss what they have written Read their writing aloud

5 Talk for writing This school uses Talk for writing
Let’s watch this video which will explain this approach

6 Any Questions ?

7 Genre Recount story or events - diary Factual -topic writing
Writing instructions-recipes Narrative- adventure story Poetry-alliterative ,free verse Explanation-labelling Persuasive –advertisements

8 Story Mountain

9 Story Map

10 Making a story sandwich

11 My Story Sandwich! Beginning End Middle
Writing a story is a bit like making a sandwich. You need three very important ingredients to make a sandwich and stories are just the same! Beginning End Middle

12 Beginning The beginning of a story tells us:
who the main characters are where the story will happen Once upon a time In a deep dark forest A long time ago One day

13 Middle The middle of a story introduces an event or problem.
What happens next?

14 They lived happily ever after They never went on a bear hunt again!
End They got married They lived happily ever after The end of a story tells us: How the characters fix the problem They never went on a bear hunt again! Happy ending

15 Extra Ingredients can make your story more exciting!
We can add describing words to make our story more exciting! hairy Adjectives quiet disgusting big loud

16 Things to think about! Give your story a good beginning
Think about your middle Who are the extra characters and what are the problems they have to solve. Give your story a good beginning Introduce your setting and main character. Give your story a super end. Solve the problem.

17 How can we help? Sharing books Writing shopping lists
Writing postcards Making and using a Story pot Writing invitations Writing a holiday diary Shared story telling

18 Let’s make our story pot
Label and decorate your pot. Cut up the Story openers, characters and settings and put them inside the pot. Give them a swirl!

19 Create a story Pick out 3 different coloured slips and have fun creating a story together.

20 desert island an alien a prince
The prince helped the alien to repair his spaceship and they flew off back to Ogg One stormy night an alien from the planet Ogg, crash landed his spaceship on a desert island. A prince who lived in a castle on the island heard the crash and ran out to see if he could help.

21 desert island an alien a prince One stormy night

22 If your child needs a further challenge, you can help them to extend and build on their ideas. Talk to them about adding more detail - events/descriptions/’wow words’ etc…… (please ask me )

23 Thank you for coming today Please could you fill in the blue evaluation form

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