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The of Design _________

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1 The of Design _________
Are the building blocks of design or the guidelines for how the elements are used in a design. _________

2 Balance Is the visual distribution of “weight” in a garment
Can be formal or symmetrical: Same on both sides or top/bottom Can be informal or asymmetrical: Different, but “visually” equal on both sides or top/bottom

3 Proportion The spatial or size relationship of all the parts of a design to each other and to the whole design May also be called “scale” The Golden Mean is a 3:5 ratio/proportion

4 Proportion or to the size of a print Can relate to accessories

5 Emphasis The center of attention in an outfit
The focal point, where your eye is drawn. Best to just have one, not many Can either highlight a feature or hide a feature depending on how you use the elements

6 Rhythm The “beat” or how your eye moves around a design/outfit.
May be created by: repetition, gradation, opposition or radiation

7 Is created when all parts of the design “work”
Harmony Is created when all parts of the design “work”

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