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Radical Days of the French Revolution

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1 Radical Days of the French Revolution
Chapter 3.3

2 Focus Question What events during this 2nd phase of the Revolution made it so violent?

3 1819 Caricature by British artist George Cruikshank
1819 Caricature by British artist George Cruikshank. Titled "The Radical's Arms,“ it depicts the infamous guillotine. "No God! No Religion! No King! No Constitution!" is written in the republican banner.

4 The Monarchy is Abolished
News of mounting deaths in the war with Prussia caused anger with the King, who many thought was on the side of Prussia. In what has been called the “September massacres,” citizens attacked prisons that held nobles and priests and killed many of them.

5 The Monarchy is Abolished
The Assembly gave the vote to all male citizens and the newly elected legislature was full of radicals who seized nobles’ lands and sentenced the king to death. Jan. 21, 1793 King Louis XVI was executed Marie Antoinette was killed the following Oct.

6 Terror Grips France The Convention, or legislative body, created the Committee of Public Safety and gave its 12 members almost absolute power in response to the threats from inside and outside the country.

7 Terror Grips France Under the leader, Maximilien Robespierre, this Committee set out a Reign of Terror—during which suspected enemies of the state were hastily tried and often put to death by guillotine.

8 The Revolution Enters its Third Stage
Moderates took over after the Reign of Terror and the Convention produced the third constitution since 1789. Inflation and the resurgence of royalist feelings caused politicians to rally around war hero Napoleon Bonaparte.

9 Revolution Brings Change
The revolution brought loyalty to the nation, instead of to a monarch. This new nationalism was celebrated with festivals, dances, and songs. Revolutionaries pushed for various social reforms and religious toleration.

10 Conciergerie Prison Where Marie Antoinette was held

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