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Workshop “Finding additional sources of funding”

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1 Workshop “Finding additional sources of funding”
“Good governance in Polish sports associations” Conference hosted by the Ministry of Sport and Tourism and the Institute of Sport – National Research Institute Warsaw, April 12th, 2018 German Equestrian Federation Dieter Medow Vice President

2 Overview: Portrait German Equestrian Federation (FN) Budget NF Germany Marketing strategy of NF Germany Stiftung Deutscher Spitzenpferdesport

3 Overview: Portrait German Equestrian Federation (FN) Budget NF Germany Marketing strategy of NF Germany Stiftung Deutscher Spitzenpferdesport

4 Portrait German Equestrian Federation (FN)
Mission Promotion of equestrian sport and horse breeding Guidance and service Preservation of the historic relationship between man and horse

5 Portrait German Equestrian Federation (FN)
Visions Promotion of equestrian sport and horse breeding Universal representation Complete degree of organisation Constant growth Adaptation through structural change

6 Overview: Portrait German Equestrian Federation (FN) Budget NF Germany Marketing strategy of NF Germany Stiftung Deutscher Spitzenpferdesport

7 Budget NF Germany Revenues As-is state 2017 Planning for 2018
thousand € % Member fees, donations 4.157 16,43 4.160 15,93 Service 12.262 48,45 12.175 46,64 Federal funds 2.415 9,54 2.930 11,22 Other revenues 6.472 25,58 6.842 26,21 Sum of revenues 25.306 100,00 26.107

8 Budget NF Germany Support Measures As-is state 2017 Planning for 2018
thousand € % Support of OCs 342 1,35 335 1,28 Support of top sport/ DOKR 6.207 24,53 8.247 31,59 Support of public relations 1.786 7,06 2.000 7,66 Support of organisational tasks 1.745 6,90 1.750 6,70 Other support measures 2.529 9,99 2.670 10,23 Sum of Support measures 12.609 49,83 15.002 57,46

9 Overview: Portrait German Equestrian Federation (FN) Budget NF Germany Marketing strategy of NF Germany Stiftung Deutscher Spitzenpferdesport

10 Marketing Strategy FN Philosophy of cooperations
Need to create a solid structure for our co-operation partners on the basis of commercialization of sports Professionalization of our marketing and creation of added values for our co-operation partners and ourselves are the designated targets Communication of our partner‘s advertising message in a highly emotional environment

11 Marketing Strategy FN Approach offering packages
marketable themes/ projects benefit packages winning strategies identification networking events Sponsoring customer loyalty support binding

12 Marketing Strategy FN Advantages for partners
Ideal national or regional presentation of companys through a partnership with the German Equestrian Federation (FN) Creation of a positive image transfer through engagement in a sportive and dynamic equestrian sport environment

13 Marketing Strategy FN Advantages for partners
Increase of the brand awareness through presence of the logo or the advertising message in projects, prints and online Care of business contacts and customer loyalty

14 Marketing Strategy FN New sponsoring structure
No general sponsor on the highest level yet

15 Marketing Strategy FN Title right
Title and sponsor-logo for each sponsor level Right to apply the sponsor-logo for use in self-promotion and PR Right of branch exclusivity (general and main sponsor only)

16 Marketing Strategy FN Duration and license fee
Intention: long-term partnerships, minimum duration two years Minimum payment EUR p.a. (plus VAT and production costs)

17 Marketing Strategy FN Measures by the FN
Describtion Advantages Annual performance review with the sponsors Feedback Build confidence with the partners Increase of commitments Possibility of participation in exclusive events with other FN-partners Sponsoring events Communication platform for new products Business to business (B2B) Cultivation of contacts Documentations Comprehensive (photo) documentation about engagement at the end of the year (for general and main sponsors only) Professional performance Cooperation bears in mind

18 Marketing Strategy FN Areas High performance sports Supporting talents
Tournament and leisure sports Advanced training / science Horse keeping Horse breeding

19 Marketing Strategy FN Marketable project in high performance sports
Logo placement on the apparel of the national teams

20 Marketing Strategy FN Marketable project in tournament and leisure sports „Coffee support“ for regional tournaments

21 Marketing Strategy FN Marketable project in leisure sports
Financial support of riding clubs/schools in renovating their facilities

22 Overview: Portrait German Equestrian Federation (FN) Budget NF Germany Marketing strategy of NF Germany Stiftung Deutscher Spitzenpferdesport

23 Stiftung Deutscher Spitzenpferdesport
Founded in 2013 2 Mio. Euro settlement capital 1,4 Mio. Euro distribution since foundation in 2013 Aim: Securing the quality of the German high-level equestrian sport through funding for selected projects The Foundation… finances its projects exclusively from donations and income from the foundation's assets. receives no public funds. is not operational. gives her funds to other tax-privileged corporation, especially to the DOKR.

24 Stiftung Deutscher Spitzenpferdesport
The donators/founders are private persones and companies Donator’s/founder’s motives Idealism Sense of responsibility Wish to form the sport Enthusiasm for the sport Image Networking Contact to talents Tax relief

25 Stiftung Deutscher Spitzenpferdesport
Current funding Areas Supporting talents Safety in sports Training of top coaches Image and media presence of high performance sports

26 Stiftung Deutscher Spitzenpferdesport

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