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IMPI’s Role in the International Arena

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1 IMPI’s Role in the International Arena
Miguel Ángel Margáin Director General

2 Highest value of exports in Latin America
Mexico: country overview… The Mexican Economy ranks 11th worldwide 120.85 Million inhabitants Highest value of exports in Latin America Largest Spanish speaking country in the world 80% are manufactured goods 2nd Economy in Latin America Largest Spanish speaking country in the world.

3 Highest value of exports in Latin America
Mexico: country overview… Highest value of exports in Latin America 13 Free Trade Agreements 45 countries Largest Spanish speaking country in the world.

4 Mexico, globally responsible player
Importance of innovation in Mexico IP mentioned in a positive way in the National Strategy Financial Reform: 1% GDP will be invested in innovation Weekly presidential speeches on innovation Three out of the Five Guiding Principles of the Mexican Government relate to IP Quality Education Prosperous Mexico Mexico, globally responsible player IP Academy – connected globally Foster Innovation Grant better and far-reaching cooperation

5 The Intellectual Property (IP) System …
The system relies in three Fundamental Pillars IP legislation with levels of protection similar to those of its major trade partners. A modern and efficient IP Office (IMPI) recognized as a world – class institution beyond the Latin American region. México’s accession to the main IP Treaties facilitating protection of IP rights. December 10th, 1993 Creation of the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property (IMPI)

6 IMPI: Not only registration functions Enforcement powers
“20 years protecting your innovations” Innovation + protection = economic growth

7 IMPI: World class practices in accordance with high international standards. Modern information technology infrastructure together with competent human resources. Efficiently handles its workload with high quality outputs.

8 IMPI: IMPI is ranked 8 worldwide in terms of trademarks registrations.

9 IMPI: IMPI is ranked 30 among global IP offices according to the number of national patent applications filed. IMPI is ranked 12 globally among IP offices according to the number of patents filed by foreigners.

10 IMPI: online services Online trademarks
Consulting system of trademarks and commercial advertising that are registered and pending. Online Industrial Designs

11 IMPI: online services Search for information on over 2 million records published in the Official Gazette of Industrial Property. Allows to fill forms and payments for the Institute services Official Gazette of Patent Applications of free use and Inventions in the Public Domain

12 Cooperation agreements
38 with the main IP offices worldwide

13 Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH)
Signed PPH : USA, Japan, Spain, Korea, China, Singapore and Canada  PPH under negotiation: Portugal and United Kingdom

14 CADOPAT 31 IP Offices benefit from the support system for patent applications management (CADOPAT) 1,200 patents studied

15 Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT)
Provides assistance to applicants seeking international patent protection for their inventions. Applicants have the opportunity to protect their inventions worldwide in 148 countries. Mexico is a member of the PCT since 1995.

16 Madrid Protocol Entered into force in Mexico on February 19, 2013
Mexico is the third country in the Latin American region to join the Madrid trademark filing system The aim is to help Mexican companies looking to expand their products abroad, in the process of registering their trademarks

17 Negotiation of International Agreements
Transpacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) Negotiating countries: Australia Brunei Canada Chile Japan Malaysia Mexico New Zealand Peru Singapore USA Vietnam

18 Asia Pacific Economic Forum (APEC)
Intellectual Property Experts Group (IPEG) IPEG Objective: to share and discuss best and new practices on the IP field, such as the registration services optimization and the promotion of IP rights enforcement. Mexico’s IPEG – APEC Convenorship: Transcendental importance of Mexico IP status within the Asia-Pacific region.

19 The Mexican IP system relies in the inter-action between IMPI and different stakeholders .
Ministry of Economy CONACYT Universities, R & D Centers Administrative IP Tribunal Public Companies & law firms USPTO, SIPO, JIPO, KIPO and other IP offices Customs INDAUTOR WIPO General Attorney’s Office IP Prosecutor COFEPRIS

20 @IMPI_Mexico

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