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September 15, 2016 Carmen Connect Webinar

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1 September 15, 2016 Carmen Connect Webinar
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2 Housekeeping Items All lines will be muted
*6 to unmute your line to ask a question *6 to mute your line after you are done speaking The leads will be monitoring the questions via the chat boxes, please feel free to ask questions there.

3 Agenda OSP Purchasing and Payables overview eStores updates
Amazon Now and the Amazon Business Account PCard Deadlines – Reallocation and Approvals Attendee Lists for events with Food Approvals for attendees at Business Meals or functions

4 Website Staffing No Staffing Changes since the last call Next call is schedule for October 20, 10:00 AM

5 OSP Procurement & Payables
OSP Purchasing reminders Contracts with OSP funding are reviewed and signed by OSP purchasing, not Central Purchasing. The contracts should be attached to the eRequest. The Delegated buyer will reference the contract in the header comments of the Requisition or PO Consulting contracts using OSP funds: Please refer to the OSP consultant Agreement Procedure page on the OSP website: The Consultant Agreement form should be filled out by the requesting unit and sent to OSP for the SPO and PI signatures. OSP will create the PO directly. No eRequest is necessary for consulting agreements. The Service center is not involved in this process.

6 OSP Procurement & Payables
Pcards on OSP funded projects are not permitted The use of the OSP issued AMEX cards is permitted How to apply for the OSP AMEX Procurement Card: Submit Paper form Requisitioin (1303) with the following information: vendor name: “OSP Procurement Card” project number address to which the monthly statements will be mailed name of the cardholder transaction limit (OSP recommends $400). monthly spending limit that coincides with the material and supplies budget of the project (most cards are $2,000). Additional information can be found at

7 OSP Procurement & Payables
Accounts Payable: When sending documentation to OSP, originals are still needed and they are to be sent via campus mail. This only pertains to transactions that are processed through eRequest. (i.e. reimbursments, payment requests) The only transactions that can be a push through as a PREP are honorariums, employee reimbursement, stipends or human subject payments. Once the service center has pushed the PREP through, they will you to say this has been processed, please send all necessary documents to OSP AP. Vendor form for new vendors is the same vendor form that UNIV has. OSP and UNIV created this form together.

8 eStores Updates Zimmer Dental is now Zimmer Biomet -Zimmer Dental and BIOMET 3i™ joined forces to form Zimmer Biomet, a leading innovator in musculoskeletal healthcare. Their catalog has been updated and new orders will be sent to Zimmer Biomet New Hosted Catalogs in eSTores Elevator repair and Maintenance Fujitec America KONE Inc Thyssenkrupp Edwards Fire Systems Repair & Replacement parts: Convergint Technologies (coming in late September) Integrated Protection Services (IPS)

9 eStores Updates Video Production Suppliers added to eStores My Quote
Seven vendors have been added to the eStores My Quote supplies website for video production services. Bartha Audio Visual BrainStorm Media InLine Productions Mills James Productions Quinton Chandler Advertising, LTD. Shared Vision Communications Space Junk Media

10 Amazon Amazon Business is not an Amazon Prime account
Amazon Business shares some of the same features of the Prime accounts Amazon Prime Now is not available through the Amazon Business Account If the Amazon Prime Now feature must be used, a personal Amazon Prime account should be utilized and paid using personal funds. A reimbursement can be processed through eRequest with proper approvals. An adequate Business Purpose should also be included explaining why Amazon Prime Now was necessary

11 Pcard Deadlines Reallocation Deadline
The University’s reallocation deadlines fall on the 2nd to last business day of the month FY 2017 deadlines September 2016 (September 29, 2016) October 2016 (October 28, 2016) November 2016 (November 29, 2016) December 2016 (December 29, 2016) January 2017 (January 30, 2017) February 2017 (February 27, 2017) March 2017 (March 30, 2017) April 2017 (April 27, 2017) May 2017 (May 30, 2017) June 2017 (June 29, 2017)

12 Pcard Deadlines Approvals Transactions must be approved in the financial system no later than 30 days from the transaction’s reallocation deadline. For travel related expenses, approval must occur within 30 days from the end of the month in which the trip was completed. Appropriate segregation of duties must be maintained. Approvers should have the transaction documentation (e.g. itemized receipts or equivalent documentation), along with an eRequest (or appropriate alternative, such as eTravel Request) to complete the approval process.

13 Attendee Lists for Events with Food
Policy # 4.11 Section IV F states: University funds may be used to provide food at a seminar, retreat, workshop, orientation or other university function. Invoices, payment requests or procurement card receipts for these expenditures must include a brief description of the business purpose of the gathering and a list of attendees. If you have a specific list of attendees it must be provided For a larger event with a specific group of invited guests but attendance or RSVP’s are not recorded, a list of invitees must be provided If the event is an open event where an invitee list is not reasonable, i.e. a large list serve or open to the general student body, an event flyer, or electronic posting must be provided in Lieu of a list of attendees or invitees

14 Approvals for those in attendance at University functions including meals
Business Meals and events with food need to have adequate Business Purposes and approvals. If a department is hosting a BM or event and the approver is also attending this event, a higher level approval must be documented for the approver who is attending For example, Department Development officer Jane is meeting with a perspective donor for a Business Meal and she would like her Department Director John to attend the meeting as well. Jane submits an eRequest that John approves. John must seek approval to attend this Business Meal with Jane and the Donor from John’s supervisor.

15 Approvals for those in attendance at University functions including meals
If a Senior Level Officer attends a meal or event with food of a Department that they oversee, approval must be documented for that Senior Level Officer’s approval authority For example, AVP Sue is invited to speak as a guest for a luncheon provided to students at a Department function that she oversees. Department Director John approves an eRequest for this event. As John reviews the request, he notices that AVP Sue is on the expected attendee list. John then sends an seeking approval to Sue’s VP for approval and attaches that approval to the eRequest.

16 PSSC Email addresses Area Email Dnodes Ocio
Dnodes Ocio OAA All CIO and ODEE Dnodes ESUE All Enrollment Services and Undergraduate Education Dnodes Grad School All Grad School Dnodes (D3000, D3001, D3002) John Glenn John Glenn Dnode (D4240) Libraries Libraries Dnode (D3200) OAA Admin All OAA Admin Dnodes (D4009, D4200, D4201) ODI Diversity & Inclusion Dnode (D4207) OHR All Human Resource Dnodes (D4700, D4710, D4720, D4730, D4750, D4780) OIA All International Affairs Dnodes (D4232, D4235) Outreach & Engagement All Outreach & Engagement Dnodes (D5900, D5910) Research All Research Dnodes Wexner All Wexner Center Dnodes ADMIN PSSC-Govt Affairs BF All Govt. Affars ADMIN PSSC-Board of Trustees All Board of Trustees ADMIN PSSC-Ofc of the President All office of the President ADMIN PSSC-Legal Affairs All Legal Affairs ADMIN PSSC-Univ Advancement UA All University Advancement ADMIN PSSC-Business and Finance All Business & Finance ADMIN PSSC-SL Advancement SL All SL Advancement Operations ADMIN PSSC-SL Tech Services All Tech Services ADMIN PSSC -SL FML All Facilities, Management, And Logistics ADMIN PSSC-SL Dining Services All Dining Services and Regional Dining ADMIN PSSC-SL Res Life & Housing All Housing, Regional Housing, and Residence Life ADMIN PSSC-SL Ohio Union All Ohio Union, Student Activities ADMIN PSSC-SL Rec Sports All Rec Sports ADMIN PSSC-SL Health & Wellness Student Health Services, Student Wellness, Counseling & Consultation Services ADMIN PSSC-SL Admin Support Budget & Planning, Fiscal Support Svcs, CFO, SL Admin, CFTSOSL, Strategic Communications, and BuckID ADMIN PSSC-SL Student Services Student Health Insurance, Student Advocacy, Student Conduct, MCC, Off Campus, carreer Counseling, Buckeye Careers, Disability Services

17 Questions?

18 Thank You!

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