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Split When Muhammad died, he didn’t leave behind instructions as to who would be caliph. Shi’ite (Shiite, Shia) Muslims who felt that the caliph should.

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Presentation on theme: "Split When Muhammad died, he didn’t leave behind instructions as to who would be caliph. Shi’ite (Shiite, Shia) Muslims who felt that the caliph should."— Presentation transcript:

1 Split When Muhammad died, he didn’t leave behind instructions as to who would be caliph. Shi’ite (Shiite, Shia) Muslims who felt that the caliph should be a descendant of Muhammad. Sunni Believed that any good Muslim could lead the Islamic community.


3 Spread of Islam Under two Empires, Muslims conquered the Middle East, N. Africa, and Spain


5 Muslim Trade Networks Silk Road Connected Muslim lands with China.
Allowed Islam to spread from the Middle East to Asia.

6 Muslim Trade Networks Trans-Saharan Trade Network
Camel caravans traveled across the Saharan desert into West Africa. Islam became the dominate religion in sub-Saharan Africa.


8 Muslim Contributions Cultural Diffusion as a result of the trade routes Arabic numerals brought to Western World Medicine Ibn Sina Muslim doctor who wrote a book where he combined Greek, Arab, and personal findings about diagnosing and treating diseases. Ibn Battuta Muslim traveler who went on a pilgrimage to Mecca from his home in N. Africa. Write a book where he described the people he came into contact with

9 Assign: Chart Religions
Judaism Christianity Islam Name of Deity (god) Founder Holy Book Leadership Beliefs

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