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8th Grade Social Studies STAAR Friday, April 26, 2013

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1 8th Grade Social Studies STAAR Friday, April 26, 2013
10 Days to STAAR Warm Up 8th Grade Social Studies STAAR Friday, April 26, 2013

2 Day 1—STAAR Journal 1.) Put the following eras in chronological order:
New Republic Civil War Revolutionary Westward Expansion Colonial Reconstruction 2.) Write one word or person next to each era that describes the era.

3 The 8 Step Approach to Answering Questions
Q: Isn’t 8 steps a lot to go through? A: Yes. But if you want to get a question correct, this will really work. Q: But EIGHT steps? A: It’s okay! Once you learn the steps, they will become automatic. Oh, and these steps will work on any kind of question, math, English, science… Q: I’m not convinced yet…

4 Cover, Category, Keys—Text Me—R3 Write the following on a separate page in your STAAR Journal.
Cover answer choices Identify the category (era) Find the key information Text it Connect it to me Read question with each answer Reduce answer choices Review your answer choice

5 Step 1: Cover the answer choices
Cover the answer choices with your hand and try to answer the question without looking at them. Why? 3 of the 4 answer choices are wrong. Looking at 3 wrong answers might distract you from the correct answer.

6 Step 2: Identify the Category
Find the folder in your brain Is the question about Colonization American Revolution New Republic Westward Expansion Conflict and Change before the Civil War The Civil War Reconstruction

7 Step 3: Find key information
If there’s a title and/or an author, circle it! Look for vocabulary words, key words, graphs, etc.

8 Practice It In 1803 Thomas Jefferson made one of his most important contributions as president when he –

9 Practice It In 1803 Thomas Jefferson made one of his most important contributions as president when he – A wrote the Declaration of Independence B became the leader of the Democratic- Republican party C founded the University of Virginia D purchased the Louisiana Territory from France

10 Practice It In 1803 Thomas Jefferson made one of his most important contributions as president when he – A wrote the Declaration of Independence B became the leader of the Democratic- Republican party C founded the University of Virginia D purchased the Louisiana Territory from France

11 Analyze the Strategy Why would it help to try to answer that question without looking at the choices When would this strategy not work? Why does it help to decide the era before looking at the answer choices? What information was circled? How was it helpful?

12 Day 2—STAAR Journal 1.) Write these names: George Washington
Thomas Jefferson Abraham Lincoln Harriet Beecher Stowe 2.) Next to the name, write one thing each of these people said, did, or believed was important.

13 Day 2—Eras What were the first 3 test-taking strategies?
Today we’re going to practice 2 more strategies Text the question Connect it to yourself

14 Cover, Category, Keys— Text Me —R3
Cover answer choices Identify the category (era) Find the keys Text it Connect it to me Read question with each answer Reduce answer choices Review your answer choice

15 Step 4: Text it If you had to text this question, what would you write? Simplifying the question and putting it into your own words is important.

16 Step 5: Connect to me What does this question have to do with you? What does it remind you of? When did you learn it? What connections (inside or outside of the classroom) do you have to this learning?

17 Practice It The Era of Good Feelings, which followed the War of 1812, was characterized by –

18 Practice It The Era of Good Feelings, which followed the War of 1812, was characterized by – A increased cooperation between the U.S. and Native Americans B the rise of the Federalist Party as a major political force C increased nationalism and patriotism in the U.S. D an increase in the number of political parties

19 Day 2—People and Eras The Era of Good Feelings, which followed the War of 1812, was characterized by – A increased cooperation between the U.S. and Native Americans B the rise of the Federalist Party as a major political force C increased nationalism and patriotism in the U.S. D an increase in the number of political parties

20 Analyze the Strategy Did you have to know the Era of Good Feelings to answer the question? How did you put the question into text language? How did you connect the question to yourself?

21 Day 3—STAAR Journal 1.) Write these names: John Adams
Alexander Hamilton Horace Mann John C. Calhoun 2.) Next to the name, write one thing each of these people said, did, or believed was important.

22 Day 3—People What are the first 5 strategies?
Today we’ll be practicing the final 3 strategies: Read each answer choice with the question Reduce answer choices Review your choice

23 Cover, Category, Keys—Text Me—R3
Cover answer choices Identify the category (era) Find the keys Text it Connect it to me Read question with each answer Reduce answer choices Review your answer choice

24 Step 6: Read Read the question with each of the answer choices
It sounds silly, but sometimes one answer choice A or B might seem good enough…so it might seem easier to stop there…when the best answer is actually C or D.

25 Step 7: Reduce Trust me! If I haven’t taught it to you, it’s probably not the correct answer. Cross out incorrect answers with your pencil. If an answer choice has “only,” “all,” or “never” it’s probably wrong

26 Step 8: Review Do you have any odd feelings about your answer choice?
What was your reason for choosing the answer you did? Take the time to read through it one more time.

27 Practice It 1 Benjamin Franklin convinced which of the following countries to lend military support to George Washington’s Continental army during the American Revolution?

28 Practice It 1 Benjamin Franklin convinced which of the following countries to lend military support to George Washington’s Continental army during the American Revolution? A Prussia B Portugal C Russia D France

29 Practice It 1 Benjamin Franklin convinced which of the following countries to lend military support to George Washington’s Continental army during the American Revolution? A Prussia B Portugal C Russia D France

30 Day 4—STAAR Journal 1.) Put the following documents in chronological order: Bill of Rights Magna Carta Articles of Confederation Declaration of Independence U.S. Constitution 2.) Write a word or phrase next to each document that describes the document.

31 Day 4—Politics What are the 8 steps?
Practice them all on every question!

32 Cover, Category, Keys—Text Me—R3
Cover answer choices Identify the category (era) Find the keys Text it Connect it to me Read question with each answer Reduce answer choices Review your answer choice

33 Practice It The Union general who accepted the surrender of Robert E. Lee’s Confederate army at Appomattox Court House was –

34 Practice It The Union general who accepted the surrender of Robert E. Lee’s Confederate army at Appomattox Court House was – A Ambrose Burnside B George McClellan C Ulysses S. Grant D William T. Sherman

35 Practice It The Union general who accepted the surrender of Robert E. Lee’s Confederate army at Appomattox Court House was – A Ambrose Burnside B George McClellan C Ulysses S. Grant D William T. Sherman

36 Analyze the Strategy Why does it help to cross out incorrect answers?
What should you do if you can only cross out one or two answers that you are sure are wrong?

37 Day 5—STAAR Journal 1.) Would you prefer to be President, a Senator, a House of Representative, or a Supreme Court Judge? Explain.

38 Day 5—Politics What are the 8 steps? Which one is hardest to remember?
Which one takes the longest to do?

39 Cover, Category, Keys—Text Me—R3
Cover answer choices Identify the category (era) Find the keys Text it Connect it to me Read question with each answer Reduce answer choices Review your answer choice

40 Practice It The Virginia Company established the House of Burgesses in 1619, which –

41 Practice It The Virginia Company established the House of Burgesses in 1619, which – A was the first government to have a president B established the doctrine of separation of powers C had the power to veto acts of Parliament D was the first representative legislature in the English colonies

42 Day 5—Politics The Virginia Company established the House of Burgesses in 1619, which – A was the first government to have a president B established the doctrine of separation of powers C had the power to veto acts of Parliament D was the first representative legislature in the English colonies

43 Day 6—STAAR Journal 1.) Write the following in the order they were acquired by the United States: Florida Mexican Cession Louisiana Purchase Oregon Texas Annexation Gadsden Purchase

44 Day 6—Geography Quick! Name the strategies!
Which strategies seem the most helpful to you?

45 Cover, Category, Keys—Text Me—R3
Cover answer choices Identify the category (era) Find the keys Text it Connect it to me Read question with each answer Reduce answer choices Review your answer choice

46 Mayflower Compact, November 11, 1620
Practice It Use the excerpt to answer the question We whose names are underwritten… combine ourselves into a civil body politic…. Mayflower Compact, November 11, 1620 1 What is the significance of the document excerpted above?

47 Mayflower Compact, November 11, 1620
Practice It Use the excerpt to answer the question We whose names are underwritten… combine ourselves into a civil body politic…. Mayflower Compact, November 11, 1620 1 What is the significance of the document excerpted above?

48 Practice It Use the excerpt to answer the question We whose names are underwritten… combine ourselves into a civil body politic…. Mayflower Compact, November 11, 1620 1 What is the significance of the document excerpted above? A It marked the establishment of the first tax-collecting authority in the American colonies B It established the basic laws followed by all the American colonies C It marked the first appearance of political parties D It established a self-governing colony based on rule of the people

49 Practice It Use the excerpt to answer the question We whose names are underwritten… combine ourselves into a civil body politic…. Mayflower Compact, November 11, 1620 1 What is the significance of the document excerpted above? A It marked the establishment of the first tax-collecting authority in the American colonies B It established the basic laws followed by all the American colonies C It marked the first appearance of political parties D It established a self-governing colony based on rule of the people

50 Day 7—STAAR Journal Begin taking your Pre-Assessment. (Don’t look at other people’s papers—it’s really important for you to see how much you know.)

51 Day 7—The Hard Stuff (not really)
What is geography? How does geography affect us?

52 Cover, Category, Keys—Text Me—R3
Cover answer choices Identify the category (era) Find the keys Text it Connect it to me Read question with each answer Reduce answer choices Review your answer choice

53 Practice It Economic activity in the New England colonies relied heavily on trade in part because –

54 Practice It Economic activity in the New England colonies relied heavily on trade in part because – A Puritan beliefs prohibited farming for profit B farmers in the region feared attacks from native Americans C a cold climate and poor soil made farming unprofitable D the British monarchy provided land grants only to southern colonies

55 Practice It Economic activity in the New England colonies relied heavily on trade in part because – A Puritan beliefs prohibited farming for profit B farmers in the region feared attacks from native Americans C a cold climate and poor soil made farming unprofitable D the British monarchy provided land grants only to southern colonies

56 Practice It Economic activity in the New England colonies relied heavily on trade in part because – A Puritan beliefs prohibited farming for profit B farmers in the region feared attacks from native Americans C a cold climate and poor soil made farming unprofitable D the British monarchy provided land grants only to southern colonies

57 Analyze the Strategy Which strategies worked well with this question?
Are there any strategies that can be used on every question?

58 Day 8—STAAR Journal 1.) Why is it important that you understand about the U.S. Constitution? The Bill of Rights? 2.) How can you change the future with this knowledge?

59 Day 8—Practice Are the 8 steps automatic yet? Just like breathing!

60 Cover, Category, Keys—Text Me—R3
Cover answer choices Identify the category (era) Find the keys Text it Connect it to me Read question with each answer Reduce answer choices Review your answer choice

61 More Practice! Excerpt from Washington’s Farewell Address
The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is in extending our commercial connection as possible….It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world…. 1 Which of the following best reflects the point of view expressed by President George Washington in the excerpt below?

62 Day 8—Practice A Foreign nations are a military threat.
Excerpt from Washington’s Farewell Address The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is in extending our commercial connection as possible….It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world…. Which of the following best reflects the point of view expressed by President George Washington in the excerpt below? A Foreign nations are a military threat. B Permanent alliances are part of a nation’s foreign policy C Foreign nations profit from importing goods D Permanent alliances with foreign nations should be avoided

63 More Practice A Foreign nations are a military threat.
Excerpt from Washington’s Farewell Address The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is in extending our commercial connection as possible….It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world…. Which of the following best reflects the point of view expressed by President George Washington in the excerpt below? A Foreign nations are a military threat. B Permanent alliances are part of a nation’s foreign policy C Foreign nations profit from importing goods D Permanent alliances with foreign nations should be avoided

64 Day 9—STAAR Journal 1.) Of the significant people we’ve studied, who are you most similar to? Explain.

65 More Practice 1 Which of these would be the best title for the illustration above?

66 More Practice Which of these would be the best title for the illustration above? A Divine Nature B Survival of the Fittest C Manifest Destiny D Universal Expansion

67 Day 9—Practice Which of these would be the best title for the illustration above? A Divine Nature B Survival of the Fittest C Manifest Destiny D Universal Expansion

68 Analyze the Strategies
Had you ever heard of answer choices “A,” “B,” or “D” before? How frequently have we talked about Manifest Destiny? How does the picture show Manifest Destiny?

69 Day 10—STAAR Journal 1.) Describe what you will do this evening and tomorrow morning to review, relax, and mentally prepare yourself for the Social Studies STAAR test.

70 Day 10—Jeopardy Look at what we have done in 10 days…
Are the 8 test-taking steps automatic now? What are the new connections you’ve made to the material?

71 Cover, Category, Keys—Text Me—R3 Write the following on a separate page in your STAAR Journal.
Cover answer choices Identify the category (era) Find the keys Text it Connect it to me Read question with each answer Reduce answer choices Review your answer choice

72 Day 10—Jeopardy Use the excerpt to answer the question
We think they [people of African ancestry] are…not included, and were not intended to be included, under the word “citizens” in the Constitution, and can therefore claim none of the rights and privileges which that instrument provides for and secures to citizens of the United States. 1 This excerpt is taken from the landmark U.S. Supreme Court case—

73 Day 10—Jeopardy Use the excerpt to answer the question We think they [people of African ancestry] are…not included, and were not intended to be included, under the word “citizens” in the Constitution, and can therefore claim none of the rights and privileges which that instrument provides for and secures to citizens of the United States. 1 This excerpt is taken from the landmark U.S. Supreme Court case— A Dartmouth College v. Woodward B Charles River Bridge v. Warren Bridge C Marbury v. Madison D Dred Scott v. Sandford

74 Day 10—Jeopardy Use the excerpt to answer the question We think they [people of African ancestry] are…not included, and were not intended to be included, under the word “citizens” in the Constitution, and can therefore claim none of the rights and privileges which that instrument provides for and secures to citizens of the United States. 1 This excerpt is taken from the landmark U.S. Supreme Court case— A Dartmouth College v. Woodward B Charles River Bridge v. Warren Bridge C Marbury v. Madison—was about judicial review D Dred Scott v. Sandford

75 Analyze the Strategy What can you do to make reading through long questions easier? What parts of the passage gave the most clues towards the answer?

76 Long Answers…too much to read…aaarrrggghhhh!!!
1.How did U.S. tariff policies contribute to sectionalism prior to the Civil War?

77 1.How did U.S. tariff policies contribute to sectionalism prior to the Civil War?
Northern states benefited from the tariffs, while southern states considered them an economic burden. Western states wanted tariffs to pay for improved infrastructure, while Northern states wanted to reduce the national debt. Northern states gained European investment in industry, while Southern plantations had to rely on trade with Latin America Southern states benefited from tariffs on raw materials, while Northern and Western states disapproved of higher prices for imports.

78 1.How did U.S. tariff policies contribute to sectionalism prior to the Civil War?
Northern states benefited from the tariffs, while southern states considered them an economic burden. Western states wanted tariffs to pay for improved infrastructure, while Northern states wanted to reduce the national debt. Northern states gained European investment in industry, while Southern plantations had to rely on trade with Latin America Southern states benefited from tariffs on raw materials, while Northern and Western states disapproved of higher prices for imports.

79 1.How did U.S. tariff policies contribute to sectionalism prior to the Civil War?
Northern states benefited from the tariffs, while southern states considered them an economic burden. Western states wanted tariffs to pay for improved infrastructure, while Northern states wanted to reduce the national debt. Northern states gained European investment in industry, while Southern plantations had to rely on trade with Latin America Southern states benefited from tariffs on raw materials, while Northern and Western states disapproved of higher prices for imports.

80 Relax, take your time, and use your strategies on STAAR!

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