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Lecture 11 Reproduction and Life Histories
An organism’s life history is its lifetime pattern of growth, development, and reproduction Maximal reproductive success or fitness is constrained by limited resources and an organism must balance trade-offs Modes of reproduction Age at reproduction Allocation to reproduction Time of reproduction Number and size of eggs, young, or seeds produced Parental care
Sexual reproduction is the fusion of haploid egg and sperm to form a diploid zygote
A major source of genetic variation due to the recombination of chromosomes during egg and sperm production Asexual reproduction produces offspring without the involvement of egg and sperm Individuals are genetically identical to the parent
Asexual vs. Sexual Reproduction Asexual reproduction
Benefits Offspring are well adapted to current conditions Potential for high population growth Costs Low genetic variability in the population May be unable to adapt to a change in environmental conditions Sexual High genetic variability in the population Increased probability that some individuals will survive environmental changes Parents only contribute one half of its genes Specialized reproductive organs required Expense of reproduction not equally shared between parents
Hermaphroditic organisms possess both male and female organs
Sexual Expression: Dioecious (‘two houses’) plants have respective male and female organs Monoecious (‘One house’) plants have separate male and female flowers on the same plant Hermaphroditic organisms possess both male and female organs Plants with flowers with both male and female parts are termed perfect Animals which possess both male and female reproductive structures
In simultaneous hermaphrodites, the male organ of one individual is mated with the female organ of the other individual, and vice versa These populations have the potential to produce twice as many offspring as a unisexual one In sequential hermaphrodites, a sex change takes place as an individual matures, grows larger, or the population ratio changes Coral reef fish, gastropods, bivalves, and jack-in-the-pulpit
The mating system is the pattern of mating between males and females in a population
Influenced by resource availability and distribution If the habitat is diverse in productivity, competition for mates may be intense Forms: Promiscuity Polygamy Monogamy
Parents cooperate to raise young
Monogamy involves the formation of a lasting bond between one male and one female Common in birds and rare in mammals Parents cooperate to raise young Increased survival of young and the parents’ genes But…one of the parents may “cheat.” Why? To increase fitness by producing more offspring
In polygyny, an individual male pairs with two or more females
Polygamy is the acquisition by an individual of two or more mates (pair bonds do exist) The individual having multiple mates is generally not involved in caring for the young In polygyny, an individual male pairs with two or more females In polyandry, an individual female pairs with two or more males Relatively rare
Sexual selection: includes two aspects:
How are mates chosen? Sexual selection: includes two aspects: Intrasexual: males compete - selection leads to evolution of structures used in combat with other males Deer’s antlers or ram’s horns, bright colors, etc. selective pressure is for ability to compete successfully with members of same sex Intersexual selection- Females select amongst winners agents of selection Selection based on various cues – appearance and behavior goal (evolutionary sense) select mate with best fitness
Female peahens prefer to mate with males with greater number of eyespots in their tail feathers
Knobs that look like eggs
The benefits of mate choice for the female
1. The male that provides the best offspring care 2. The male that provides the best territory Superior nesting cover Abundance of food 3. The male that provides the best genes Handicap hypothesis: burden of bright plumage or other characteristics to attract mate counter to survival – those surviving such a handicap are genetically superior 4. Evidence of reproductive success (Fantail darter)
What do we mean by sexual selection?
How is it a part of natural selection? How does it contribute to genetic fitness – For females? Females produce larger, more energetically costly gametes. Female reproduction thought to be limited by resource access. For males? Males produce smaller, less energetically costly gametes. Male reproduction limited by mate access. How is it important in terms of shaping and survival of the species?
The answer is more complicated among polygamous species
Does the female select the male (and his territory) or the territory (and the male in it)? The answer is more complicated among polygamous species Female choice is apparent for those species that aggregate into groups on communal courtship grounds called leks
Figure 8.10
How many young are produced?
Limited access to energy/resources results in trade-off between number and size of offspring ie.- species producing a larger # if offspring means offspring are smaller, and vice-versa Parent provides extended care for young fewer young produced but greater survival rate The amount of energy invested in reproduction varies for different individuals Investment in reproduction includes production, care, and nourishment of offspring An individual’s fitness is determined by the number of offspring that survive to reproduce
Common Murre
Three Survivorship Patterns Type I = K selected
Mortality rises in post-reproductive years Type II Mortality constant throughout life Type III = r selected Many offspring with high juvenile mortality
K selected species Low number of young produced Offspring size tends to be large Low mortality of young Extended parental care High rate of survival past reproductive age Long time to maturity Relativly long life span Live near carrying capacity
High number of young produced
r selected Species High number of young produced Low parental input to each individual young Short maturation time Breed at young age Produce many offspring quickly High mortality of young Nonexistant parental care Opportunists – populations quickly develop but may crash Examples: Waterfleas, insects, bacteria
Life History Classification
MacArthur and Wilson r selection (per capita rate of increase) Characteristic high population growth rate. K selection (carrying capacity) Characteristic efficient resource use. Pianka : r and K are ends of a continuum, while most organisms are in-between. r selection: Unpredictable environments. K selection: Predictable environments.
Life Histories – Age Structure and Survivorship in Populations
Cohort populations Birthrate and survival of young Competitive ability vs population size – survivorship patterns Principle of allocation and reproduction Dispersal and seed size Ecological succession
Cohort – a group of individuals of the same age within a population (individuals born at same time) - see p Study of cohort provides information about: Mortality and survival vs. age Used to construct a cohort life table Static life table Pattern of survival survivorship curve
Static life table – ‘snapshot’ of population at a given time
Data corrected to 1000 – actual number sampled 608 Dall sheep – Murie study 1944 Collect skulls Evaluate age of animal at time of death Allows evaluation of survivorship: percentage of an original population that survives to a given age
Plant Succession and Life History Patterns JPGrime (pages 286-288)
Ruderals (highly disturbed habitats) Grow rapidly and produce seeds quickly. Stress-Tolerant (high stress - no disturbance) Grow slowly - conserve resources. Competitive (low disturbance low stress) Grow well, but eventually compete with others for resources. Stress: environmental extremes or competition that limits (or provides excess) light, temperature, nutrients
Plant Life Histories
Old Field Succession: Dwight Billings
Early species to invade: ‘weedy’ or r-selected species Do not compete well for resources, high reproductive rate Shift to k-selected species Changes in nature of habitat favor species which reproduce successfully at or near carrying capacity
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