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HINARI Portal (Basic Course: Module 3 Part A)

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1 HINARI Portal (Basic Course: Module 3 Part A)
19 July 2018

2 Table of Contents Background R4L Do’s and Don’ts
Finding articles by journal title Finding journals by subject Finding journals by publisher Other full-text resources – databases and reference sources Other free collections Appendices HINARI – Accessing Articles: Problems and Solutions HINARI – Printing, Copying, Saving and ing Articles: Problems and Solutions 19 July 2018

3 Objectives of Research4Life (R4L)
To connect developing world researchers with the international scientific community To reduce the ‘publishing gap’ and improve the quality of locally produced articles and journals Ultimately – improve health, food security environment, and development in relation to U.N.’s 2015 – 2300 Sustainability Development Goals In this initial discussion, we will have an overview of HINARI and its partner programs. 19 July 2018

4 This is the screen capture of the Research4life website that contains a detailed overview of the four programs – scope, eligibility, etc. 19 July 2018

5 More than 116 countries, areas and territories
HINARI: health research (up to journals, up to books and up to 120 other information resources, 6400 registered institutions) AGORA: agriculture research (up to journals, up to 22,000 books, up to 55 information resources, 3400 registered institutions) 19 July 2018

6 OARE: environment research (up to journals, up to books, up to 55 other information resources, registered institutions) ARDI: development and innovation research (up to journals, up to books, up to 25 other information resources1000 registered institutions) GOALI: launched 06 March 2018, law and law related content (up to 10,000 information resources) updated 19 July 2018

7 R4L Resources Usage: Do Share
Institution’s R4L usernames and passwords with: Authorized Users: an institution’s employee, permanent or visiting faculty or student Walk-in Users: anyone who comes to the institution’s premises and is permitted by the institution to access services there Note: Remote access is permissible but limited to computers owned by institution or personally by staff and currently registered students As with any resource, there are certain rules for its usage. These rules are similar to what an institution would have with a commercial publisher. ‘Education use’ is the basis of the use of the resources. 19 July 2018

8 Copyright and Fair Use Is the same as typical copyright and fair use principles; it is OK to: Download or print up to 15% of a journal issue or book Use material for educational purposes (course packs or reserves) Make copies for institution members or students Note: Always credit sources 19 July 2018

9 Abuse of Privileges: Do Not
Share usernames and passwords with those from outside the institution Supply documents to individuals or organizations outside the registered institution Charge a fee for supplying documents except to recover cost of printing Use R4L programmes when outside the country – see next slide 19 July 2018

10 Specific Situations for Outside the Country use (as of July 2018)
Individual staff and faculty of an institution are permitted to use R4L during short-term professional trips outside the institutional environment including outside the country (e.g. 1 month maximum). Student at registered institutions MAY use R4L no matter where in the world they are located. Institutions with Distance Learning programmes should connect via IP-based logins but not distribute username and passwords to remote students. 19 July 2018

11 Do Not (continued) Upload or post the material to a publicly available website or elsewhere Post usernames and passwords to websites or blogs that are publically accessible Note: Violations result in the institution or possibly entire country denied access until the problem is resolved. If your institution’s password does not work for several days, it may have been compromised. DO NOT REGISTER AGAIN. Report this to and always including your UserID. 19 July 2018

12 Hinari can be accessed from either a computer or mobile phone – with Internet access
19 July 2018

13 Displayed are samples from the mobile phone version of the Hinari content and databases pages
19 July 2018

14 For the R4L programmes, individual publishers can choose to grant access or not. From this page, you can access your country, area or territory and institution type. 19 July 2018

15 Note: The training modules use screen captures from a computer.
Welcome to the HINARI Website. This tutorial will look at how to use the HINARI Portal. To access the HINARI website, enter the URL 19 July 2018

16 Choose a language option. This tutorial will be in English.
Choose a language option for the HINARI Website. This tutorial will be in English. 19 July 2018

17 Your institution must be registered for you to gain access to the full-text electronic resources.
Click on the How to Register link to access the step-by-step guide – to see if your institution is registered or must complete this process. Note: for detailed information on eligibility and registration, go to R4L Eligible countries If your institution includes programs that would benefit from either agricultural research (AGORA), environmental research (OARE) or Research and Innovation (ARDI) e-journals, you can register for these. Each program requires a separate registration which can be completed from the R4L registration page. Regarding payment by Group B countries, the $1500 payment annually although that fee pays for access to all the programs. The following slides will summarize each project. 19 July 2018

18 As of January 2018, one registration is required for all 5 R4L programs including GOALI (available March 2018). Previous institutional username/ passwords also will grant access to all the programs. Make sure you complete all the steps noted in the How to Register link. 19 July 2018

19 This is the form for updating contacts
This is the form for updating contacts. If your information is old, please complete this form and mail to HINARI via Periodically, the Contact Details become out of date. HINARI and the other programs appreciate any assistance in updating this information. 19 July 2018

20 Login to the HINARI website by clicking on LOGIN.
Note: If you do not LOGIN to HINARI, you will not get access to the most of the full text articles, e-books and other resources. Log-in to the HINARI website by clicking “Login to HINARI” 19 July 2018

21 Workshop User Name/ Password
Note: A training username and password only will be ‘activated’ for the workshop. You can use your institution’s username and password. Either one should never be published online. Please remind to the workshop participants that a training username and password should never be published online with the login details. This username and password only is active for the duration of the workshop. 19 July 2018

22 Enter your HINARI USER NAME and PASSWORD in the appropriate boxes, change the language of the portal (if necessary), then click on the Login button. Note: To have access to the full text articles, you must properly sign in. 19 July 2018

23 Click on the Hinari logo to open the program.
All the programs your institution is registered for are listed. Login to any of the other programs by returning to this page (use the R4L Portal – Applications tab at the top of the web browser). To open another program, click on the specific logo. Your Hinari username and password will grant access to the other programs (and ditto for your institution’s AGORA, ARDI GOALI or OARE logins). 19 July 2018

24 Further Login Instructions
We strongly recommend to not bookmark this connection page. It is always preferable to open the HINARI portal ( ) itself or another R4L program. The initial page of the program will have the right link to the login page – especially if there are any future changes to the authentication server. 19 July 2018

25 Auto-login option Users at a registered institution can, using an auto- login-enabled computer, access a Research4Life search interface, review results and abstracts, and download the full text of articles, without needing to log on each time. Auto-login can resolve many login and password problems Your institution must have an intranet (internal network not publicly accessible) To request the auto-login script and technical instructions, contact Auto-login means that the usernames and passwords used by your institution to access HINARI, AGORA, ARDI or OARE might be preloaded as part of a file on your institution’s general-access computers or intranet. The auto-login approach for the access with the HINARI, AGORA, ARDI or OARE username and password can be used where your institution has an Intranet or a secure local network, to provide more automated login for authenticated users to scientific journals and e-book resources. The auto-login software code provided by Research4Life to registered institutions is also very effective in resolving access to the full text of articles. This benefits users, librarians, and Research4Life. We encourage your institution to use auto-login. This is an institutional decision and to be implemented by the IT Department. You or your IT-knowledgeable colleague will need to place the script on your intranet (or other secure site that is protected by your own technology environment to restrict to your user community), and set up a link to it from an intranet page. A factsheet on R4L auto-login is available. To request the auto-login script and technical instructions, librarians are encouraged to write to and request it. Requirements: Your institution must have an intranet (internal network not publicly accessible) You will need someone with some degree of IT knowledge to implement this To operate, the auto-login codes must be loaded into an individual computer or be made available via an institutional intranet link. The auto-login needs additional work to obscure the UserID and password To request the auto-login script and technical instructions, librarians are encouraged to write to and request it. 19 July 2018

Once logged-in, you will be taken into the Access the content sub-page of the website. Note the ‘Logged in from: Test Account’ message. That line will list your country. This proper login also can be confirmed by the url… In the Logged in from: message, you will see your country’s name (for example, ‘Logged in from Kenya’.) 19 July 2018

27 If you fail to use the Login button from the Research4Life access page, you will have a second option on the Content page – Log in for access. Note the key access choices – Journals collection, Books collection, and, on the horizontal frame, Subjects, Languages, Publishers and a link to the Training Materials. Also note the How to Register link to a step-by-step guide plus other information. As noted in the text box… if you do not login, you will not have access to the a great majority of the full-text articles - except for articles in the open access journals – e-books and other resources. 19 July 2018

28 Now opened is the Browse Subject ‘Public Health’ listing (without the proper login). Displayed is the default All Items tab. Of the initial list of 18 journals titles, only 4 are Full access to this content for everyone (green box) while there are 14 that are not accessible (grey box). You must log in for access - to have full access to this content. From the Journals Books Collection A-Z list, a similar All Items list will be displayed. This is an example of a list of journals when a user has not completed the login procedures (via the default All Items list). This clearly limits the number of journals that can be accessed as there is a long list of white boxes that signify no access. 19 July 2018

29 Journals can be accessed by title from an alphabetical list.
For this exercise, click on ‘J’ from the A-Z list. Note: there also is a View complete list of journals option although this list does not have hypertext links to the journals. Below the Journal collection A-Z list, there is a View complete list of journals link. If you open this, you will see all the journals that your institution has access too. This list does not have hypertext links to the journals and you will have to return to the A-Z list. 19 July 2018

30 Displayed is the ‘J’ journal list
Displayed is the ‘J’ journal list. Click on the title for JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association. When properly logged in, the default is the Accessible Content page. This and the All Items displays will be discussed in subsequent slides. Note that the ‘years of volumes’ available are listed after the journal title. 19 July 2018

31 Note the per page titles displayed drop down menu (25, 100, 500 and all options) and ability to move from one page of the J journal titles list to another. . 19 July 2018

32 Another window will open at the journal publisher’s website usually with access to the Archive page. Open the Current Issue. 19 July 2018

33 The Current Issue now is displayed with various options for viewing including [Full Text] or [PDF] formats Click on the 2nd article.. This example is from a different journal – the Journal of General Virology 19 July 2018

34 The HTML version now is displayed which can include links to sections of the article, bibliographic citations or related articles. Note the other options for viewing the article. 19 July 2018

35 Now displayed is the PDF or Portable Document Format - a scanned image of the article. This format is similar to the traditional print option. To download a PDF document, you will need a copy of the freely available Adobe Acrobat program: 19 July 2018

36 For all types of resources, all material added in the last month have a New button before the title. Click on New to be redirected to a page titled Latest online information resources. 19 July 2018

37 Now displayed is the Latest online information resources listing organized by Type & Publisher. It includes 24 journals and 38 Books 19 July 2018

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